"Someday I'll write my own philosophy book." -Calvin

primary server load:15.10 13.42 12.20
secondary server load:
primary server http connections:2897 (IPv6 654)
secondary server http connections:

Current bandwidth utilization 1634.24 Mbit/s (primary server)
Bandwidth utilization bar
Current bandwidth utilization 0.00 Mbit/s (secondary server)
Bandwidth utilization bar

58371.40 TB transmitted since 2007-12-20
On average 9.90 TB per day
with a peak of 52.18 TB on 2024-03-28
21.64 TB transmitted yesterday
9.74 TB transmitted today

Mirror traffic breakdown by mirrored project from 2024-07-26

<2024-07-25 | overall | 2024-07-27>



Mirror Name%Data Transmitted
(% from secondary)
Data Requested #Requests
fedora 39.1528 % 7.76 TB
3.16 TB4516628
linuxmint.com 17.1372 % 3.40 TB
44.99 KB209769
ubuntu 8.2580 % 1.64 TB
120.30 GB901527
opensuse 6.4116 % 1.27 TB
215.05 GB1220724
epel 5.1354 % 1.02 TB
53.88 GB488946
mapsforge 4.5835 % 930.53 GB
0.00 Bytes27804
rocky 3.5750 % 725.79 GB
50.30 GB695280
undef 2.2721 % 461.28 GB
11.05 KB274404
centos-stream 2.0360 % 413.35 GB
7.26 GB253860
tdf 1.8507 % 375.72 GB
19.31 MB37389
almalinux 1.6736 % 339.76 GB
14.57 GB193730
debian 1.5666 % 318.05 GB
184.63 GB372280
rpmfusion.org 1.1258 % 228.55 GB
128.77 GB365346
gentoo 0.9505 % 192.96 GB
115.69 GB92064
turnkeylinux 0.4983 % 101.17 GB
0.00 Bytes7702
hirensbootcd.org 0.3792 % 76.98 GB
0.00 Bytes79401
archlinux 0.3695 % 75.01 GB
25.57 GB16370
OpenBSD 0.2781 % 56.46 GB
36.77 GB5989
kde 0.2613 % 53.05 GB
8.43 MB12447
kernel.org 0.2527 % 51.30 GB
802.40 MB6838
Mageia 0.2517 % 51.09 GB
20.45 GB15294
alpine 0.2370 % 48.12 GB
0.00 Bytes45076
FreeBSD 0.2293 % 46.56 GB
39.06 GB1162
redhat 0.2052 % 41.67 GB
38.83 GB11942
parrotsec 0.1841 % 37.37 GB
0.00 Bytes32412
gnu 0.1453 % 29.49 GB
11.70 MB9332
pcbsd 0.1351 % 27.43 GB
0.00 Bytes13625
sourceware.org 0.0888 % 18.03 GB
1.02 GB14885
fedora-secondary 0.0853 % 17.31 GB
0.00 Bytes21080
archive.rpmfusion.org 0.0686 % 13.93 GB
386.21 MB172518
eclipse 0.0628 % 12.75 GB
0.00 Bytes50234
raspbian 0.0624 % 12.67 GB
6.24 GB20185
apache 0.0575 % 11.66 GB
0.00 Bytes5063
mozilla 0.0524 % 10.65 GB
0.00 Bytes3148
gnome 0.0453 % 9.19 GB
390.71 MB20155
CCC 0.0445 % 9.03 GB
0.00 Bytes412
mariadb 0.0375 % 7.61 GB
0.00 Bytes76441
gimp 0.0291 % 5.91 GB
0.00 Bytes2323
scientific 0.0242 % 4.91 GB
0.00 Bytes36764
CPAN 0.0193 % 3.92 GB
1007.04 MB279274
openvz 0.0191 % 3.88 GB
0.00 Bytes5946
wikipedia 0.0134 % 2.72 GB
0.00 Bytes53
repoforge 0.0118 % 2.40 GB
587.73 MB66282
eldk 0.0117 % 2.37 GB
0.00 Bytes528
mandriva 0.0113 % 2.30 GB
0.00 Bytes7108
download.mapsforge.org 0.0110 % 2.24 GB
2.24 GB2
suse 0.0103 % 2.09 GB
0.00 Bytes2956
openoffice 0.0089 % 1.81 GB
1.48 MB713
atrpms 0.0084 % 1.71 GB
1.30 MB8810
openmandriva 0.0082 % 1.67 GB
210.79 MB1804
dag 0.0082 % 1.66 GB
352.67 MB6599
info 0.0079 % 1.61 GB
0.00 Bytes14596
postgresql 0.0064 % 1.30 GB
0.00 Bytes9334
redhat archive 0.0057 % 1.15 GB
2.36 MB46023
tanglu 0.0044 % 916.12 MB
0.00 Bytes4598
auroralinux 0.0037 % 759.12 MB
0.00 Bytes3184
packages.linuxmint.com 0.0029 % 610.97 MB
610.97 MB7
aurox 0.0029 % 609.33 MB
0.00 Bytes3661
gnupg 0.0026 % 550.87 MB
0.00 Bytes2395
nimblex 0.0017 % 359.80 MB
0.00 Bytes31
xfree86 0.0016 % 327.21 MB
32.89 MB8328
gentoo-repo-changelog 0.0009 % 197.13 MB
0.00 Bytes49712
polippix 0.0009 % 194.94 MB
0.00 Bytes14
tuxmas 0.0008 % 156.71 MB
0.00 Bytes16
debian-multimedia 0.0005 % 101.66 MB
0.00 Bytes3944
impi 0.0003 % 65.05 MB
0.00 Bytes19
fedora.us 0.0002 % 45.89 MB
0.00 Bytes988
rootlinux 0.0002 % 41.45 MB
0.00 Bytes3497
ietf 0.0001 % 26.22 MB
666.84 KB524
fuduntu 0.0001 % 22.63 MB
0.00 Bytes1493
freshrpms.net 0.0001 % 20.73 MB
3.47 MB2280
ximian 0.0001 % 11.82 MB
0.00 Bytes704
ccux-linux.de 0.0001 % 10.73 MB
0.00 Bytes128
openssl 0.0000 % 10.04 MB
0.00 Bytes334
debian-backports 0.0000 % 2.99 MB
35.97 KB570
netscape 0.0000 % 2.84 MB
0.00 Bytes560
centos 0.0000 % 1.92 MB
546.87 KB928
percomp 0.0000 % 1.88 MB
0.00 Bytes53
livna 0.0000 % 1.36 MB
1.02 MB154
limux 0.0000 % 299.43 KB
0.00 Bytes34
proftpd 0.0000 % 283.91 KB
0.00 Bytes96
centos-altarch 0.0000 % 253.74 KB
2.64 KB173
knoppix 0.0000 % 56.63 KB
38.15 KB28
phprojekt 0.0000 % 40.92 KB
0.00 Bytes19
selfhtml 0.0000 % 34.42 KB
0.00 Bytes21
neooffice.org 0.0000 % 7.55 KB
0.00 Bytes10
RSYNC4.16 TB4.16 TB39866
FTP17.40 GB17.40 GB7822
HTTP15.65 TB0.00 Bytes10821392
Total19.83 TB4.18 TB10869080

Client Distribution Map 2024-07-26
RSYNC Distribution Map 2024-07-26

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