Be careful or be road-kill. -- Calvin
primary server load:3.71 3.46 3.51
secondary server load:
primary server http connections:2831 (IPv6 564)
secondary server http connections:

Current bandwidth utilization 1975.34 Mbit/s (primary server)
Bandwidth utilization bar
Current bandwidth utilization 0.00 Mbit/s (secondary server)
Bandwidth utilization bar

58153.03 TB transmitted since 2007-12-20
On average 9.88 TB per day
with a peak of 52.18 TB on 2024-03-28
21.38 TB transmitted yesterday
13.06 TB transmitted today

Mirror traffic breakdown by mirrored project from 2024-06-29

<2024-06-28 | overall | 2024-06-30>



Mirror Name%Data Transmitted
(% from secondary)
Data Requested #Requests
fedora 45.3037 % 10.08 TB
6.25 TB3300688 14.5891 % 3.24 TB
39.74 KB123861
ubuntu 5.9470 % 1.32 TB
116.15 GB659819
epel 5.3125 % 1.18 TB
154.55 GB489597
mapsforge 4.7727 % 1.06 TB
0.00 Bytes13690
opensuse 4.6684 % 1.04 TB
37.28 GB1351288
debian 2.7171 % 618.80 GB
212.24 GB718725
undef 2.1068 % 479.81 GB
16.25 KB259153
tdf 1.9861 % 452.33 GB
11.55 MB19744
scientific 1.8550 % 422.45 GB
450.23 MB256898
centos-stream 1.7916 % 408.03 GB
276.01 GB135684
centos 1.1822 % 269.23 GB
1.39 GB201586
archlinux 0.9589 % 218.38 GB
181.10 GB12959 0.5206 % 118.56 GB
39.11 GB241997
gentoo 0.5056 % 115.16 GB
54.67 GB86724
rocky 0.5049 % 114.99 GB
119.28 MB452369
pcbsd 0.3646 % 83.04 GB
0.00 Bytes13880
redhat 0.3611 % 82.23 GB
5.89 MB27757
alpine 0.3449 % 78.55 GB
0.00 Bytes39811
mariadb 0.3438 % 78.31 GB
0.00 Bytes70527
eclipse 0.3257 % 74.18 GB
0.00 Bytes91892
parrotsec 0.3197 % 72.82 GB
0.00 Bytes118727
almalinux 0.3015 % 68.66 GB
17.97 GB125097 0.2311 % 52.64 GB
24.01 MB4913
raspbian 0.2297 % 52.31 GB
7.20 GB92625
kde 0.2180 % 49.66 GB
9.01 MB10191
OpenBSD 0.2079 % 47.35 GB
43.75 GB1922 0.1575 % 35.88 GB
291.28 MB163376
postgresql 0.1527 % 34.77 GB
31.35 KB28340
Mageia 0.1438 % 32.74 GB
16.55 GB14684
turnkeylinux 0.1366 % 31.12 GB
0.00 Bytes9902 0.1334 % 30.39 GB
413.38 MB35488
centos-altarch 0.1262 % 28.75 GB
24.99 MB29411
openmandriva 0.1179 % 26.86 GB
269.47 MB22917
gnu 0.1061 % 24.17 GB
14.90 MB18392
mandriva 0.0969 % 22.07 GB
0.00 Bytes15080
wikipedia 0.0955 % 21.75 GB
0.00 Bytes43
gnome 0.0875 % 19.94 GB
379.44 MB32916 0.0858 % 19.55 GB
0.00 Bytes46227
apache 0.0805 % 18.34 GB
0.00 Bytes5799
CPAN 0.0715 % 16.29 GB
1.05 GB433753
atrpms 0.0514 % 11.70 GB
1.29 MB9688
mozilla 0.0510 % 11.61 GB
0.00 Bytes4457
openvz 0.0498 % 11.35 GB
20.51 KB7975
aurox 0.0313 % 7.13 GB
0.00 Bytes10049 0.0295 % 6.71 GB
6.71 GB5
fedora-secondary 0.0256 % 5.83 GB
0.00 Bytes19786
dag 0.0254 % 5.79 GB
353.63 MB13261
redhat archive 0.0217 % 4.95 GB
905.41 KB27061
repoforge 0.0210 % 4.79 GB
594.05 MB80948
eldk 0.0210 % 4.78 GB
0.00 Bytes367
tanglu 0.0207 % 4.70 GB
0.00 Bytes16755
auroralinux 0.0174 % 3.95 GB
41.02 KB16022
FreeBSD 0.0127 % 2.89 GB
2.56 GB288
suse 0.0124 % 2.81 GB
201.26 KB9469
info 0.0108 % 2.45 GB
0.00 Bytes22717
CCC 0.0091 % 2.07 GB
0.00 Bytes105
openoffice 0.0084 % 1.91 GB
285.31 KB406
debian-multimedia 0.0043 % 995.25 MB
0.00 Bytes4424
fuduntu 0.0025 % 588.01 MB
0.00 Bytes710 0.0024 % 566.47 MB
0.00 Bytes949
gimp 0.0014 % 319.17 MB
0.00 Bytes819
xfree86 0.0013 % 311.75 MB
27.25 MB2870
nimblex 0.0013 % 295.58 MB
0.00 Bytes7
polippix 0.0012 % 289.20 MB
0.00 Bytes8
rootlinux 0.0008 % 180.92 MB
0.00 Bytes2149
gentoo-repo-changelog 0.0007 % 174.89 MB
0.00 Bytes48194 0.0007 % 163.33 MB
3.47 MB2134
ietf 0.0004 % 84.18 MB
1.91 MB1746
tuxmas 0.0003 % 66.83 MB
0.00 Bytes10
impi 0.0003 % 64.37 MB
0.00 Bytes6
netscape 0.0003 % 59.04 MB
0.00 Bytes651
gnupg 0.0002 % 40.48 MB
0.00 Bytes492
ximian 0.0002 % 39.75 MB
0.00 Bytes827 0.0001 % 26.98 MB
0.00 Bytes108
debian-backports 0.0000 % 9.62 MB
35.97 KB473 0.0000 % 5.62 MB
5.62 MB7
openssl 0.0000 % 1.76 MB
0.00 Bytes36
selfhtml 0.0000 % 1.55 MB
0.00 Bytes6
livna 0.0000 % 1.44 MB
1.05 MB170
phprojekt 0.0000 % 693.54 KB
0.00 Bytes24
knoppix 0.0000 % 212.10 KB
358.30 KB11
percomp 0.0000 % 81.12 KB
0.00 Bytes25
proftpd 0.0000 % 47.70 KB
0.00 Bytes37
limux 0.0000 % 33.94 KB
0.00 Bytes9 0.0000 % 5.54 KB
0.00 Bytes2
api 0.0000 % 583.00 Bytes
0.00 Bytes1
RSYNC6.94 TB6.94 TB25728
FTP234.06 GB234.06 GB101065
HTTP15.07 TB0.00 Bytes9957923
Total22.24 TB7.17 TB10084716

Client Distribution Map 2024-06-29
RSYNC Distribution Map 2024-06-29

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