You can present the material, but you can't make me care. -- Calvin
primary server load:12.95 12.87 13.76
secondary server load:
primary server http connections:20861 (IPv6 2269)
secondary server http connections:

Current bandwidth utilization 583.67 Mbit/s (primary server)
Bandwidth utilization bar
Current bandwidth utilization 0.00 Mbit/s (secondary server)
Bandwidth utilization bar

62985.92 TB transmitted since 2007-12-20
On average 10.33 TB per day
with a peak of 52.18 TB on 2024-03-28
22.88 TB transmitted yesterday
27.65 TB transmitted today

Mirror traffic breakdown by mirrored project from 2011-04-29

<2011-04-28 | overall | 2011-04-30>



Mirror Name%Data Transmitted
(% from secondary)
Data Requested #Requests
mozilla 36.4716 % 2.72 TB
3.18 TB8193144
ubuntu 34.3011 % 2.56 TB
23.99 TB472489
fedora 6.8166 % 521.43 GB
53.77 TB310988
openoffice 4.5161 % 345.46 GB
1.00 TB18244
opensuse 2.9618 % 226.56 GB
8.03 TB269845
dag 1.9176 % 146.68 GB
176.64 GB1696508
centos 1.6293 % 124.63 GB
355.81 GB261022
fedoraproject 1.4458 % 110.59 GB
989.25 GB260617
eclipse 1.3635 % 104.30 GB
459.52 GB148793
pcbsd 1.3456 % 102.93 GB
594.74 GB600
Mageia 1.1353 % 86.84 GB
261.91 GB7202
debian 1.1242 % 86.00 GB
305.11 GB26489
gentoo 0.8063 % 61.68 GB
90.41 GB7774
tdf 0.7485 % 57.26 GB
107.61 GB19008 0.7252 % 55.47 GB
113.02 GB91709 0.4758 % 36.40 GB
60.55 GB34359
mandriva 0.4022 % 30.76 GB
88.01 GB18005
OpenBSD 0.3144 % 24.05 GB
48.10 GB12710
archlinux 0.3074 % 23.52 GB
38.55 GB23758
epel 0.3008 % 23.01 GB
28.21 GB98674 0.2067 % 15.81 GB
16.58 GB86543
wikipedia 0.1515 % 11.59 GB
16.85 GB35
fedora-linux-development 0.1234 % 9.44 GB
9.44 GB9 0.1182 % 9.04 GB
12.23 GB433
aurox 0.0536 % 4.10 GB
50.57 GB531
nimblex 0.0406 % 3.10 GB
43.70 GB3412
eldk 0.0324 % 2.48 GB
81.73 GB3027
apache 0.0295 % 2.26 GB
3.18 GB941
polippix 0.0293 % 2.24 GB
7.47 GB19
CPAN 0.0169 % 1.29 GB
2.14 GB11293
redhat 0.0168 % 1.29 GB
186.17 GB419
scientific 0.0137 % 1.05 GB
6.30 GB1715
debian-multimedia 0.0123 % 964.04 MB
1.11 GB4144
gnu 0.0077 % 600.06 MB
1.16 GB222
kde 0.0065 % 510.34 MB
1.12 GB734
postgresql 0.0056 % 442.18 MB
556.76 MB187
atrpms 0.0056 % 440.36 MB
749.04 MB3167
mariadb 0.0047 % 366.31 MB
365.80 MB1750
knoppix 0.0041 % 318.49 MB
6.85 GB163
undef 0.0027 % 212.81 MB
406.28 MB10523
proftpd 0.0024 % 190.49 MB
376.36 MB61
livna 0.0014 % 106.84 MB
83.61 MB79242
debian-backports 0.0012 % 93.24 MB
95.39 MB298
gnome 0.0008 % 65.08 MB
166.84 MB1432
selfhtml 0.0006 % 48.27 MB
80.45 MB9
CCC 0.0005 % 42.00 MB
1.31 GB40
tuxmas 0.0003 % 23.26 MB
29.04 GB8
xfree86 0.0003 % 22.74 MB
22.71 MB106
info 0.0003 % 20.93 MB
95.61 MB1392
fedoralegacy 0.0003 % 20.19 MB
26.10 MB211 0.0003 % 20.14 MB
34.28 GB12
impi 0.0002 % 15.51 MB
270.07 MB3
fedora-secondary 0.0002 % 14.04 MB
13.75 MB1045 0.0002 % 11.96 MB
12.79 MB87
gimp 0.0001 % 4.80 MB
9.58 MB56
redhat archive 0.0001 % 4.18 MB
267.31 MB292
rpm 0.0000 % 2.63 MB
2.62 MB16
auroralinux 0.0000 % 1.91 MB
1.94 MB12 0.0000 % 1.27 MB
1.86 MB17
debian-security 0.0000 % 898.57 KB
891.48 KB32
suse 0.0000 % 647.14 KB
1.84 MB64
percomp 0.0000 % 529.69 KB
6.82 MB18
gnupg 0.0000 % 429.43 KB
657.46 KB48
rootlinux 0.0000 % 253.95 KB
250.64 KB1047
netscape 0.0000 % 12.46 KB
10.66 KB11
ximian 0.0000 % 7.97 KB
7.32 KB4
phprojekt 0.0000 % 1.38 KB
1.21 KB1
openssl 0.0000 % 1.21 KB
1.04 KB1
206 0.0000 % 1.12 KB
1.17 KB3
ietf 0.0000 % 27.00 Bytes
27.00 Bytes1
RSYNC476.34 GB476.34 GB4457
FTP323.75 GB323.75 GB213627
HTTP6.69 TB93.01 TB11968690
Total7.47 TB93.79 TB12186774

Client Distribution Map 2011-04-29

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