
shapelib: API in "C" for Shapefile handling

Name:shapelib Vendor:
Version:1.2.10 License:LGPL/MIT
Release:5 URL:
The Shapefile C Library provides the ability to write simple C programs for reading, writing and updating (to a limited extent) ESRI Shapefiles, and the associated attribute file (.dbf).

Arch: src

Build Date:Tue Jul 26 16:57:07 2005
Size:173 KiB


* Wed Dec 15 16:00:00 2004 David M. Kaplan <dmk{%}erizo{*}ucdavis{*}edu> 0:1.2.10-5
- Patched patch and spec file according to suggestions of Michael Schwendt
- In particular, this separates the building from the installing in the rpm.
* Thu Aug 12 17:00:00 2004 David M. Kaplan <dmk{%}erizo{*}ucdavis{*}edu> 0:1.2.10-0.fdr.4
- Moved RPM_OPT_FLAGS out of make files.
- Removed backup files from patch.
- Made sure that make was using the appropriate libdir.
* Mon Dec 22 16:00:00 2003 David M. Kaplan <dmk{%}erizo{*}ucdavis{*}edu> 0:1.2.10-0.fdr.3
- Added url tag, changed copyright to license and changed permissions on patch file.

Listing created by RepoView-0.5.2-1.fc5