User Interface/X

mgopen-fonts: Truetype greek fonts

Name:mgopen-fonts Vendor:
Version:0.20050515 License:Redistributable, with restrictions
Release:1 URL:
The MgOpen fonts are a font family that includes Latin and Greek glyphs. The fonts have been released under a liberal license, similar to the license covering the Bitstream Vera fonts.

Arch: src

Build Date:Mon Aug 22 17:44:37 2005
Size:925 KiB


* Wed Jul 6 17:00:00 2005 Sarantis Paskalis <paskalis{%}di{*}uoa{*}gr> 0.20050515-1
- Fix spelling in the description.  Import it to Fedora Extras.
* Tue Jun 14 17:00:00 2005 Sarantis Paskalis <paskalis{%}di{*}uoa{*}gr>
- Use date-versioned sources
* Wed May 25 17:00:00 2005 Sarantis Paskalis <paskalis{%}di{*}uoa{*}gr>
- Initial package spec (based on bitstream-vera-fonts)

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