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9. 結語

9.1 名人榜

Only presidents, editors, and people with tapeworms have the right to use the editorial ``we''.
(Mark Twain)

這份HOWTO文件幾乎完全根植於Mitchum Dsouza的GCC-FAQ; 文件中大部份的資訊是直接來自於GCC-FAQ。這份文件用到的第一人稱代名詞,可視為我們兩人其中一個;可以說,要是其中有一個人說“我還沒有測試過這些;如果它燒了你的硬碟、毀了你的系統或是搞得你妻離子散的,可別說我沒提醒你啊!",像這樣的話適用於我倆身上。

對這份文件有貢獻的名人雅士如下所列(以ASCII碼的順序列出): Andrew Tefft, Axel Boldt, Bill Metzenthen, Bruce Evans, Bruno Haible, Daniel Barlow, Daniel Quinlan, David Engel, Dirk Hohndel, Eric Youngdale, Fergus Henderson, H.J. Lu, Jens Schweikhardt, Kai Petzke, Michael Meissner, Mitchum DSouza, Olaf Flebbe, Paul Gortmaker, Rik Faith, Steven S. Dick, Tuomas J Lukka, 當然還有Linux Torvalds,沒有了他,這整個運動就變得一點意義也沒有了,所以不可能讓他孤單的。:-)


9.2 翻譯


9.3 歡迎任何的回饋

寄信給我。我的PGP public key (ID 5F263625) 可在我的烘培雞 web pages上使用,如果你覺得事情有必要保密的話。

9.4 合法的行逕規定


這份HOWTO文件的版權屬於Daniel Barlow <>。 你可以任何型式的媒體,包括有形的、電子的方式重複生產、傳佈部份或是整份的GCC-HOWTO,只要這份版權聲明保存在所有的複製品中。商業的交易是允許的,而且我鼓勵你這麼做,不過,我很希望你能通知我有關的細節。

不論你做什麼,像是翻譯、擴充這份文件、從這份文件衍生出其他相關的文件或是整合其他的Linux HOWTO文件等,都必須遵循這份版權聲明。也就是說,如果你參酌HOWTO文件寫出其他的說明文件,你是不可以對這份衍生出來的文件加上額外的限制,影響文件的發行權的。當然,有些特別的情況是可以例外的,關於這點,請與Linux的協調人連絡,電子郵件信箱的地址就在後頭。


如果有任何問題,請與Linux HOWTO的協調人Tim Bynum連繫,email address是

原文轉載如下: All trademarks used in this document are acknowledged as being owned by their respective owners.

This document is copyright (C) 1996 Daniel Barlow <> It may be reproduced and distributed in whole or in part, in any medium physical or electronic, as long as this copyright notice is retained on all copies. Commercial redistribution is allowed and encouraged; however, the author would like to be notified of any such distributions.

All translations, derivative works, or aggregate works incorporating any Linux HOWTO documents must be covered under this copyright notice. That is, you may not produce a derivative work from a HOWTO and impose additional restrictions on its distribution. Exceptions to these rules may be granted under certain conditions; please contact the Linux HOWTO coordinator at the address given below.

In short, we wish to promote dissemination of this information through as many channels as possible. However, we do wish to retain copyright on the HOWTO documents, and would like to be notified of any plans to redistribute the HOWTOs.

If you have questions, please contact Tim Bynum, the Linux HOWTO coordinator, at via email.


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