Packages not in Groups

VirtualBox-OSE-devel - VirtualBox-OSE SDK

VirtualBox-OSE Software Development Kit.
License:GPLv2 or (GPLv2 and CDDL) Group:Packages not in Groups
URL: Source: VirtualBox-OSE


Name Version Release Type Size Built
VirtualBox-OSE-devel 2.1.4 4.fc10 i386 5.12 MiB Sat Apr 25 01:05:58 2009


* Sun Jan 11 23:00:00 2009 Lubomir Rintel <lkundrak{%}v3{*}sk> - 2.1.0-2
- Fix EL-5 panic
- Build on x86_64 (w/o 32bit toolchain)
* Sat Jan 24 23:00:00 2009 Lubomir Rintel <lkundrak{%}v3{*}sk> - 2.1.2-1
- New upstream release
* Thu Feb 5 23:00:00 2009 Lubomir Rintel <lkundrak{%}v3{*}sk> - 2.1.2-2
- Fix Fedora build, don't attempt to use compat gcc

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