"Who can fathom the feminine mind?" -Calvin "I like `em anyway" -Hobbes

primary server load:7.45 6.32 5.23
secondary server load:
primary server http connections:6208 (IPv6 878)
secondary server http connections:

Current bandwidth utilization 901.33 Mbit/s (primary server)
Bandwidth utilization bar
Current bandwidth utilization 0.00 Mbit/s (secondary server)
Bandwidth utilization bar

59731.54 TB transmitted since 2007-12-20
On average 10.03 TB per day
with a peak of 52.18 TB on 2024-03-28
22.76 TB transmitted yesterday
6.41 TB transmitted today

Mirror traffic breakdown by mirrored project from 2018-11-12

<2018-11-11 | overall | 2018-11-13>



Mirror Name%Data Transmitted
(% from secondary)
Data Requested #Requests
fedora 49.5171 % 4.92 TB
2.37 TB2125272
ubuntu 8.9426 % 909.64 GB
270.56 GB768591
epel 7.7238 % 785.67 GB
283.96 GB625334
opensuse 4.7034 % 478.43 GB
3.73 GB1773751
linuxmint.com 3.5748 % 363.63 GB
74.78 KB239877
fedora-secondary 3.5479 % 360.90 GB
0.00 Bytes105636
debian 3.4842 % 354.42 GB
247.40 GB202916
tdf 3.4099 % 346.86 GB
5.19 MB12197
centos 3.3880 % 344.63 GB
156.86 GB676160
eclipse 3.1987 % 325.37 GB
0.00 Bytes886146
parrotsec 1.1326 % 115.20 GB
0.00 Bytes17015
undef 1.0933 % 111.21 GB
196.46 MB8007
gentoo 1.0832 % 110.19 GB
52.39 GB8105
mapsforge 0.9468 % 96.31 GB
0.00 Bytes7933
hirensbootcd.org 0.8459 % 86.04 GB
86.04 GB1647
Mageia 0.6186 % 62.92 GB
40.85 GB12683
archlinux 0.5313 % 54.04 GB
9.47 GB25726
rpmfusion.org 0.3958 % 40.27 GB
9.85 GB129303
sourceware.org 0.3946 % 40.14 GB
42.70 GB37403
mariadb 0.2846 % 28.95 GB
28.94 GB48451
kde 0.2208 % 22.46 GB
3.60 MB2791
centos-altarch 0.1947 % 19.81 GB
63.67 MB2400
archive.rpmfusion.org 0.1863 % 18.95 GB
187.86 MB305403
move2 0.1149 % 11.69 GB
23.38 GB8972
apache 0.0692 % 7.04 GB
3.86 GB2475
repoforge 0.0658 % 6.69 GB
1.69 GB214438
alpine 0.0561 % 5.70 GB
0.00 Bytes8083
CPAN 0.0459 % 4.67 GB
4.50 GB2417
dag 0.0410 % 4.17 GB
554.27 MB173920
tanglu 0.0327 % 3.32 GB
0.00 Bytes468
gnome 0.0297 % 3.02 GB
127.81 MB11567
gnu 0.0265 % 2.70 GB
0.00 Bytes1872
openoffice 0.0203 % 2.06 GB
78.65 KB905
OpenBSD 0.0176 % 1.79 GB
23.87 MB1727
openmandriva 0.0158 % 1.61 GB
442.16 MB1681
wikipedia 0.0151 % 1.53 GB
0.00 Bytes15
scientific 0.0096 % 1002.16 MB
289.09 MB386292
debian-multimedia 0.0049 % 513.59 MB
112.49 MB4778
gimp 0.0037 % 385.78 MB
189.52 MB296
openvz 0.0030 % 307.59 MB
39.15 KB1570
redhat 0.0026 % 272.58 MB
269.39 MB713
download.mapsforge.org 0.0024 % 248.02 MB
248.02 MB2
pcbsd 0.0012 % 125.77 MB
0.00 Bytes367
atrpms 0.0007 % 67.85 MB
3.16 MB20835
knoppix 0.0004 % 39.77 MB
39.73 MB169
redhat archive 0.0002 % 21.20 MB
0.00 Bytes959
kernel.org 0.0002 % 20.81 MB
12.12 MB369
FreeBSD 0.0002 % 19.74 MB
0.00 Bytes77
turnkeylinux 0.0002 % 17.36 MB
16.46 MB584
auroralinux 0.0001 % 14.65 MB
843.26 KB557
freshrpms.net 0.0001 % 13.73 MB
7.28 MB2588
mandriva 0.0001 % 11.81 MB
0.00 Bytes225
fuduntu 0.0001 % 8.83 MB
0.00 Bytes59
mozilla 0.0001 % 8.67 MB
0.00 Bytes155
postgresql 0.0001 % 8.20 MB
0.00 Bytes1272
info 0.0001 % 7.97 MB
61.55 KB3654
ccux-linux.de 0.0001 % 7.64 MB
0.00 Bytes39
gentoo-repo-changelog 0.0001 % 7.48 MB
0.00 Bytes1067
xfree86 0.0001 % 7.12 MB
0.00 Bytes247
livna 0.0001 % 5.54 MB
1.04 MB2275
nimblex 0.0001 % 5.28 MB
0.00 Bytes15
impi 0.0000 % 3.90 MB
0.00 Bytes10
packages.linuxmint.com 0.0000 % 3.45 MB
3.45 MB7
tuxmas 0.0000 % 3.33 MB
0.00 Bytes11
suse 0.0000 % 2.59 MB
0.00 Bytes86
eldk 0.0000 % 2.44 MB
0.00 Bytes244
debian-backports 0.0000 % 1.98 MB
142.33 KB106
fedora.us 0.0000 % 1.11 MB
0.00 Bytes171
rootlinux 0.0000 % 909.60 KB
0.00 Bytes188
phprojekt 0.0000 % 664.44 KB
0.00 Bytes10
ximian 0.0000 % 524.59 KB
0.00 Bytes91
polippix 0.0000 % 513.05 KB
0.00 Bytes12
OpenHPC 0.0000 % 469.12 KB
0.00 Bytes159
gnupg 0.0000 % 428.76 KB
0.00 Bytes53
CCC 0.0000 % 385.80 KB
0.00 Bytes31
superrepo 0.0000 % 269.97 KB
0.00 Bytes82
proftpd 0.0000 % 231.62 KB
0.00 Bytes40
neooffice.org 0.0000 % 115.53 KB
113.21 KB7
netscape 0.0000 % 30.10 KB
0.00 Bytes24
openssl 0.0000 % 27.22 KB
0.00 Bytes13
percomp 0.0000 % 20.97 KB
0.00 Bytes12
ietf 0.0000 % 19.79 KB
10.84 KB10
selfhtml 0.0000 % 12.42 KB
0.00 Bytes8
rpm 0.0000 % 8.99 KB
0.00 Bytes11
RSYNC2.24 TB2.24 TB10284
FTP110.07 GB110.07 GB62104
HTTP7.59 TB1.15 TB8809449
Total9.93 TB3.50 TB8881837

Client Distribution Map 2018-11-12
RSYNC Distribution Map 2018-11-12

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