# autorpm.conf - AutoRPM Configuration File # This file is editted for use on FNALU Linux nodes. # It will only report and not automtically apply updates # 12 Nov 2001 Ken Schumacher <kschu@fnal.gov> # ####################################################### # Created by Kirk Bauer <kirk@kaybee.org> # http://www.kaybee.org/~kirk # Modified by Dan Yocum <yocum@fnal.gov> # http://www.fnal.gov/cd/unix/linux ########################################################## # See /usr/doc/autorpm*/samples.conf for some samples # `man autorpm.conf` for details # Put your version of Fermi Linux here: Eval_Var("Version", "sed 's/\(.* Linux \)\?.elease \([^ ]*\) (.*)/\2/' /etc/redhat-release | sed 's/5.0/502/' | sed 's/\.//g'"); Set_Var("Arch", "i386"); # Determine the workgroup Set_Var("Workgroup",""); Read_Var("Workgroup","/etc/workgroup"); Report_Queues_To ("scs-root@fnal.gov"); # Try connecting to FTP sites 10 times with 30-7200 seconds # delay between each try. FTP_Retries ("10"); FTP_Retry_Delay ("30", "7200"); ########################################################## # This is to install extra packages for the workgroup you chose during # installation (listed in /etc/workgroup). ftppool ("workgroup-updates") { #Report_To ("root"); Report_To(""); # Don't upgrade kernel packages... Regex_Ignore ("^kernel-"); action (updated) { Ignore_On_Failure(Yes); # Automatically install these official updates Install (Interactive); Report (Yes); # Uncomment the next line to keep local copies of the updates... # Store ("/${Workgroup}-rpm-updates/i386"); } action (new) { Ignore_On_Failure(Yes); # Automatically install these new updates Install (Interactive); Report (Yes); # Uncomment the next line to keep local copies of the installs.. # Store ("/${Workgroup}-rpm-installs/i386"); } } ########################################################## # On occasion we realize that we've accidentally omitted a package from the # default installation that will enhance the usability a machine. These are # not mission critical packages.. just niceities. # This is the Fermi Linux add-ons directory... ftppool ("addons") { #Report_To ("root"); Report_To (""); # Don't upgrade kernel packages... Regex_Ignore ("^kernel-"); action (new) { Ignore_On_Failure(Yes); # Automatically install these new updates Install (Interactive); Report (Yes); # Uncomment the next line to keep local copies of the updates... # Store ("/FL-rpm-addons/i386"); } } ########################################################## # This will keep your computer current with Red Hat's updates for # Fermi Linux: # The second line is the local Fermi 521 security mirror. Comment it out and # uncomment the first line if you want ALL updates, security related and # feature enhancements. ftppool ("updates") { #Report_To ("root"); Report_To (""); # Don't upgrade kernel packages... Regex_Ignore ("^kernel-"); action (updated) { Ignore_On_Failure(Yes); # Automatically install these official updates Install (Interactive); Report (Yes); # Uncomment the next line to keep local copies of the updates... # Store ("/FL-${Version}-updates/i386"); } action (new) { Ignore_On_Failure(Yes); # Interactively install these new updates Install (No); Report (No); # Uncomment the next line to keep local copies of the updates... # Store ("/FL-${Version}-updates/i386"); } }