# ChangeLog for sys-boot/arcload
# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-boot/arcload/ChangeLog,v 1.19 2015/05/04 05:01:22 kumba Exp $

*arcload-0.50-r3 (04 May 2015)

  04 May 2015; Joshua Kinard <kumba@gentoo.org> -arcload-0.50-r2.ebuild,
  Comment out the 'deb-elf64-on-m32' patch due to problems on some systems. See

  21 Mar 2015; Joshua Kinard <kumba@gentoo.org> +arcload-0.50-r1.ebuild:
  Add arcload-0.50-r1 back until Bug #543978 can be resolved.

*arcload-0.50-r2 (05 Mar 2015)

  05 Mar 2015; Joshua Kinard <kumba@gentoo.org> -arcload-0.50-r1.ebuild,
  +arcload-0.50-r2.ebuild, -files/arcload-0.50-makefile-targets.patch,
  -files/arcload-0.50-shut-gcc4x-up.patch, +files/arcload.8:
  Big cleanup: Include some patches and a manpage from Debian, re-work the code
  a little to compile under an n32-only system (should work for n64 as well),
  silence many compiler warnings, and move patches to a tarball due to the size
  of the changes.

  10 Aug 2014; Sergei Trofimovich <slyfox@gentoo.org> arcload-0.50-r1.ebuild:
  QA: drop trailing '.' from DESCRIPTION

  06 Nov 2012; Anthony G. Basile <blueness@gentoo.org> arcload-0.50-r1.ebuild:
  Change license to GPL-2+, bug #442018

  23 Aug 2011; Matt Turner <mattst88@gentoo.org> -arcload-0.43-r1.ebuild,
  -files/arcload-0.43-tweaks1.patch, arcload-0.50-r1.ebuild, metadata.xml:
  Drop old 0.43. Bump 0.50 to EAPI=4 and clean up.

  10 Apr 2011; Ulrich Mueller <ulm@gentoo.org> arcload-0.43-r1.ebuild,
  Don't PROVIDE virtual/bootloader, bug 359971.

  14 Dec 2010; Matt Turner <mattst88@gentoo.org> arcload-0.43-r1.ebuild,
  Make arcload PROVIDE virtual/bootloader, bug 322917

  02 Mar 2009; Joshua Kinard <kumba@gentoo.org>
  +files/arcload-0.50-shut-gcc4x-up.patch, arcload-0.43-r1.ebuild,
  -arcload-0.50.ebuild, +arcload-0.50-r1.ebuild:
  Make arcload cross-compilable by altering the Makefile targets, and quiet
  down gcc-4.x's warnings. Modified ebuild accordingly and fixed minor QA
  Issues. Changed mips keyword to unstable.

*arcload-0.50-r1 (02 Mar 2009)

  02 Jul 2007; Piotr JaroszyƄski <peper@gentoo.org> arcload-0.43-r1.ebuild,
  (QA) RESTRICT clean up.

  05 Sep 2006; Joshua Kinard <kumba@gentoo.org> arcload-0.50.ebuild:

  09 Apr 2006; Joshua Kinard <kumba@gentoo.org> arcload-0.50.ebuild:
  Tweak S some to point to the right work directory until upstream fixes the
  naming of the sourceball.

*arcload-0.50 (04 Apr 2006)

  04 Apr 2006; Joshua Kinard <kumba@gentoo.org> -arcload-0.5.ebuild,
  Rename arcload-0.5's ebuild to arcload-0.50 so portage actually treats it as
  an upgrade. Upstream is going to change the filename on their end, but as of
  now, this hasn't been done. Thus, we have a kludge in place that does the
  change until upstream changes the source filename.

*arcload-0.5 (10 Feb 2006)

  10 Feb 2006; Joshua Kinard <kumba@gentoo.org> +arcload-0.5.ebuild:
  Import newer version of ARCLoad.  Now with Filesystem Support.

  02 Jan 2006; Joshua Kinard <kumba@gentoo.org> -arcload-0.41.ebuild,
  Bump to mips stable, remove 0.41

*arcload-0.43-r1 (15 Oct 2005)

  15 Oct 2005; Joshua Kinard <kumba@gentoo.org>
  +files/arcload-0.43-tweaks1.patch, +arcload-0.43-r1.ebuild,
  Tweaks to arcload; add an identifier to loader/detect.c for R14K cpus, and
  make detectbaud() return a default of 9600bps in loader/detect.c

*arcload-0.43 (11 Sep 2005)

  11 Sep 2005; Joshua Kinard <kumba@gentoo.org> +arcload-0.43.ebuild:
  New version of arcload, the ultimate SGI system bootloader.

*arcload-0.41 (12 Jun 2005)

  12 Jun 2005; Joshua Kinard <kumba@gentoo.org> +metadata.xml,
  Initial import of what is quite possibly, the best bootloader for SGI Mips
  systems ever. Supports disk booting of IP22, IP27, IP28, IP30, and IP32