# ChangeLog for sys-apps/mount-gtk # Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-apps/mount-gtk/ChangeLog,v 1.4 2014/06/22 10:13:14 ssuominen Exp $ 22 Jun 2014; Samuli Suominen +files/mount-gtk-1.4.2-c++11.patch, mount-gtk-1.4.2.ebuild: Include patch from upstream forums that checks if -std=c++11 is supported or not wrt #484264 by Marc Joliet 04 Jun 2013; Samuli Suominen -mount-gtk-1.4.1.ebuild: old *mount-gtk-1.4.2 (04 Jun 2013) 04 Jun 2013; Samuli Suominen +mount-gtk-1.4.2.ebuild: Version bump to make use of the new series of c++-gtk-utils >= 2.2.0 *mount-gtk-1.4.1 (11 May 2013) 11 May 2013; Samuli Suominen +mount-gtk-1.4.1.ebuild: Initial commit.