# ChangeLog for app-crypt/libykneomgr # Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-crypt/libykneomgr/ChangeLog,v 1.3 2015/04/14 06:51:50 jlec Exp $ *libykneomgr-0.1.7 (14 Apr 2015) 14 Apr 2015; Justin Lecher +libykneomgr-0.1.7.ebuild: Version Bump 25 Oct 2014; Diego E. Pettenò libykneomgr-0.1.6.ebuild: Add a (runtime-only) dependency on app-crypt/ccid-1.4.18 which is required to manage the Neo in CCID+U2F mode. Also correct license as the library is LGPL-3. *libu2f-host-0.0 (25 Oct 2014) 25 Oct 2014; Diego E. Pettenò +libu2f-host-0.0.ebuild, +metadata.xml: Initial import of Yubico's libu2f-host, needed for the yubikey-neo-manager.