getCurrentDirectory(); $dir_html = ""; $is_p2 = false; if(is_dir($dir)) { $files = array(); $dirs = array(); if ($dh = opendir($dir)) { $dir_html = "

Directory Contents

"; while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if (filetype($dir . $file) == "dir") { $dirs[] = $file; } else { $files[] = $file; if(strpos($file, "artifacts.jar") !== FALSE || strpos($file, "artifacts.xml") !== FALSE || strpos($file, "compositeArtifacts.jar") !== FALSE || strpos($file, "compositeArtifacts.xml") !== FALSE) { # p2 repo $is_p2 = true; } } } closedir($dh); asort($dirs); asort($files); $dir_html .= $DownloadDirectory->getFormOutput($files, $dirs); $dir_html .= "
"; } if($is_p2) { # p2 $html = file_get_contents("404_p2.html"); } else { $html = file_get_contents("404.html"); } $html = str_replace("", $dir_html, $html); } else { # Check archives $html = file_get_contents("404_nodoc.html"); $message_html = "

Not Found

"; $message_html .= "

We're sorry, the page or file cannot be found. Here are some reasons why:

"; $message_html .= ""; $archive_dir = str_replace("", "", $dir); if(is_dir($archive_dir)) { $message_html = "

Moved to archives

"; $message_html .= "

It appears this content was moved to the archives. You can try accessing this URL instead:

"; $message_html .= "" . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . "

"; # doc title $html = str_replace("Not Found", "Moved", $html); # breadcrumb $html = str_replace("
  • Not Found
  • ", "
  • Moved
  • ", $html); } $html = str_replace("", $message_html, $html); } echo $html; }