Web Server

mediawiki - A wiki engine

Website: http://www.mediawiki.org/
License: GPL
Vendor: Fedora Project
MediaWiki is the software used for Wikipedia and the other Wikimedia
Foundation websites. Compared to other wikis, it has an excellent
range of features and support for high-traffic websites using multiple

This package supports wiki farms. Copy /var/www/wiki over to the
desired wiki location and configure it through the web
interface. Remember to remove the config dir after completing the


mediawiki-1.10.2-36.fc8.ppc [4.8 MiB] Changelog by Ville Skyttä (2007-09-12):
- Update to 1.10.2 (security; http://secunia.com/advisories/26772/, #287881)

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.1-1.fc8