GNOME Software Development

libgnome-devel - Libraries and headers for libgnome

License: LGPLv2+
Vendor: Fedora Project
GNOME (GNU Network Object Model Environment) is a user-friendly set of
GUI applications and desktop tools to be used in conjunction with a
window manager for the X Window System. The libgnome-devel package
includes the libraries and include files that you will need to
use libgnome.

You should install the libgnome-devel package if you would like to
compile GNOME applications. You do not need to install libgnome-devel
if you just want to use the GNOME desktop environment.


libgnome-devel-2.20.1-2.fc8.ppc [82 KiB] Changelog by Matthias Clasen (2007-10-17):
- Install all necessary GConf schemas
libgnome-devel-2.20.1-2.fc8.ppc64 [82 KiB] Changelog by Matthias Clasen (2007-10-17):
- Install all necessary GConf schemas

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.1-1.fc8