# Configuration file for ifmail (ifgate+ifcico) package by Eugene Crosser # Compile-time default name of this file may be overridden by -I key. # Lines with the first nonblank character '#' are comments. # Newsgroups which uses the gatebau gating scheme gatebaugroup fido. # Log file name. Overrides compile-time default. logfile /var/log/ifmail/iflog # Debug file name. Overrides compile-time default. debugfile /var/log/ifmail/ifdebug # Debugging verbosity (is overidden by -x key). Default is 0. verbose 0 # Main address: address 2:332/206.10 # AKAs: address 2:332/207.10 address 42:391/102@guidenet.ftn #address 2:5020/6.14@fidonet #address 2:5020/23.14@fidonet #address 2:5020/49.14@fidonet #address 100:5020/23.14@dummynet # Passwords for connections. checked by ifcico. # Inserted into EMSI and yoohoo packets. #password 2:5929/6 QWERY #password 2:5929/23 ASDFG # Passwords for packets. # iftoss will tell you if the password of the packet doesn't match. (and it # won't be tossed if -DPARANOID specified at compile-time) # Inserted into outgoing mail packets. # If for a given node no packetpasswd is specified, password will be used. #packetpasswd 2:5929/6 AZERTY # Include config extention file (here: file with real passwords). # Includes may be nested. If the nesting is cyclic, the program cycles too. # You are warned. include /etc/ifmail/passwds # System alias file - try to fetch ftn-style aliases from there. # If "from" address of a message from FidoNet matches _right_ side # of some entry in sysalias file, then the Reply-To: header is created # in the RFC message with the name part taken from the left side of the # sysalis entry and domain part taken from myfqdn (below). E.g., if a # fidonet message comes from "John Smith of 1:234/567.89@fidonet" and # there is an entry in the sysalias file: # "jsmith: John.Smith@p89.f567.n234.z1.fidonet.org" # and fqdn value is "pccross.msk.su", then the resulting message will # contain a line: "Reply-To: jsmith@pccross.msk.su". sysalias /etc/ifmail/aliases # This host fully qualified domain name to add to the alias above myfqdn wonderland.linux.it # If this is specified, The "To:" line at the beginning of the fidonet message # will be kept in consideration _only_ if the message is addresses to the name # specified. Thus, defining a magicname prevents the problems of different # adresses in To: line and enveloppe. This is specially the case in mailing # lists. Without defining a magicname if you are in a mailing list messages # will be bounced back as the To: line doesn't show your address but the ML one magicname UUCP # Directory for incoming packets/files: inbound /var/spool/ifmail/inb # Directories for "listed" and "protected" sessions listinbound /var/spool/ifmail/inb protinbound /var/spool/ifmail/inb # Directory for outgoing packets (default domain and zone): # other zones will be like "/usr/spool/ifmail/outb.003", # other domains will be like "/usr/spool/ifmail/." # I prefer to name the default outbound as "fidonet", so it is consistent # with the naming pattern of the other domains. outbound /var/spool/ifmail/outb # If you specify this, outgoing arcmail files will go to `outbound', # but be reffered as being in `dosoutbound' in the .flo files #dosoutbound h:\spool\ifmail\outb # Directory from which the file requests are satisfied public /var/spool/uucppublic # Mapping file which maps shortnames of files to fullnames with path. # Every line should include the shortname, some whitespaces and/or tabs # and then the fullname. If the fullname does not begin with '/' # the publicdir will be prepended to it. One fullname can be mapped # to many shortnames without problems. If one shortname points to many # fullnames, all matches are sent. The files are sent under their # shortnames. #reqmap /usr/local/lib/fnet/reqmap # Directory with executables to satisfy "magic" file requests # if requested a file present in this directory, it will be # executed and stdout sent to the remote system. If the file # is not executable, it is read line by line and the lines are # processed as if they were received file requests (recusively). # Execution of commands may compromize security! You are warned. #magic /usr/lib/ifmail/magic # Primary nodelist (serves "outbound" directory and domain from the # first "address" statement). Name expanded with ".NNN" if neccessary. nodelist /var/spool/ifmail/nl.d/nodelist # Secondary nodelists and nodelists for other domains. # use directory name from the first "nodelist" statement. # filename originating address #nodelist pnt5020.ndl 2:5020/0@fidonet #nodelist chatlist 100:0/0@chateaunet #nodelist private.ndl 2:5020/0@fidonet # domain translations, just context substitution. Leading dot recommended. # May contain '@'-sign too. First matching used. # NOTE: If you specify at least one domtrans line, there will be _NO_ # default for fidonet <--> fidonet.org. Don't forget to specify it # explicitly as a last line. # FTN side Internet side # fidonet (zones 1 -> 6 ) #domtrans .n5020.z2.fidonet .fido.pccross.msk.su #domtrans .n5030.z2.fidonet .fido.tctube.spb.su domtrans .z1.fidonet .z1.fidonet.org domtrans .z2.fidonet .z2.fidonet.org domtrans .z3.fidonet .z3.fidonet.org domtrans .z4.fidonet .z4.fidonet.org domtrans .z5.fidonet .z5.fidonet.org domtrans .z6.fidonet .z6.fidonet.org # domain names #domtrans .beginnet .beginnet.ftn #domtrans .n320.z101.francom .belgique.fm.alphanet.ch #domtrans .n352.z101.francom .luxembourg.fm.alphanet.ch # zone numbers (fidonet is added by default) #domtrans .n320.z101.fidonet .belgique.fm.alphanet.ch #domtrans .n352.z101.fidonet .luxembourg.fm.alphanet.ch #domtrans .z140.fidonet .z140.beginnet.ftn # default (the rest) domtrans .fidonet .ftn # Automatically updated alias database. If omitted or inaccessible, # ^aREPLYADDR and ^aREPLYTO kludges are generated in fido messages. database /var/spool/ifmail/ifdbm # Sequencer file (used to generate unique IDs) sequencer /var/spool/ifmail/seq # Areas file (format: "AREA newsgroup distribution") areas /etc/ifmail/Areas # Bad groups prefixes - do not pass to fido if appear in Newsgroups header # This is NOT the same as "!news.group" in the cnews "sys" file. #badgroup relcom.ads. #badgroup relcom.commerce. # Maximum allowed number of groups in the Newsgroups header, article will # not be gated if exeeds. If zero or omitted - no limit. # Another way of limiting the number of messages gated is to not define a # general line in the Areas file, so messages are generated only for areas # explicitely defined. # Is better to not define maxgroups and don't define a generic ng -> ECHO # gating rule in Areas #maxgroups 10 # Directory where character translation tables (for eight-bit charsets) are. # # The format of the files is as follows: # # # # (one character in a line). and can be specified # in one of four notation styles: # - character itself in single quotes (e.g. 'a') # - decimal number (e.g. 123) # - octal number (e.g. 0123) # - hexadecimal number (e.g. 0x7f) # # Crosshatch ('#') denotes start of comment; space, tab and crosshatch # characters cannot be specified using the first (character) notation. # maptabdir /etc/ifmail/maptabs # Default charsets to be used when ifmail can't found info in the message # see the file README.charsets for a list of available values and for # values to use for several countries. # defaultftnchar cp437 defaultrfcchar iso-8859-1 # Transport programs for mail and news, used by iftoss # for sendmail, $F expands to "from" address, $T - to "to" address. sendmail /usr/sbin/sendmail -oi -f $F $T rnews /usr/bin/rnews # Toss program, used by ifunpack iftoss /usr/lib/ifmail/iftoss # Unpackers, used by ifunpack. # $F expands to archive file name unzip /usr/bin/unzip -Lojq $F unarj /usr/bin/unarj e $F unlzh /usr/bin/lha xiq $F unarc /usr/bin/unpack $F unzoo /usr/bin/zoo -extract $F unrar /usr/bin/unrar e $F # Packer program, used by ifpack # $F expands to archieve file name, $P - to list of packet names packer /usr/bin/zip -q9 $F $P # Maximum arcmail file size, ifpack will start new arcmail file if exceeds #maxfsize 500000 # Maximum packet size, ifmail/ifnews will start new packet if exeeds. # *.?ut files are NOT created if nonzero specified, you must run ifpack # to make packets go out. maxpsize 300000 # Maximum message size when splitting big messages of usenet origin # default is 12300 bytes #maxmsize 12300 maxmsize 64000 # Flavors that should not be subject to packet size limiting. These # flavors will be put into `ready to send' packets and not packed # by ifpack. Special flavor 'm' means "all netmail". #nonpacked cm # cnews log file and (temporary) database for seen-bys newslog /var/lib/news/history msgidbm /var/spool/ifmail/ifmsgids # MSGID <-> Message-ID database, for creating correct References when gating # if commented out this feature isn't activated #refdbm /tmp/ref_db # From this line on, values may be prefixed by a logical expression in # round brackets. Operators are: '!', '&', '|', 'Xor'. # Possible elements are: # - Nodelist flags (like "CM", "MNP", "V32" etc.) # - speed # where is '=', '!=', '<', '>', '<=', '>=' # - address # where is a (possibly incomplete) fidonet address, # e.g. "5020/*" # - time [,,...] # where is a day spec. with optional time spec., e.g. # Wk2000-0900,Sat1800-0000,Sun # - phone # e.g. "phone 7-095-" # Dialing parameters # of multiple "ModemPort", "ModemReset", "ModemDial", "ModemHangup" lines, # first matching is used. # of multiple "PhoneTrans", "ModemConnect", "ModemError" lines, all matching # are used. # In send and expect strings, following substitutions are made: # \\ '\' character # \r carriage return (0x0d) # \n new line (0x0a) # \t tab (0x09) # \b backspace (0x08) # \s space (0x20) # \NNN (where N is an octal digit) - character with octal code NNN # \d 1 second delay (send strings only) # \p 1/4 second pause (send strings only) # \T translated telephone no. (send strings only) # \D untranslated telephone no. (send strings only) # ModemPort present a blank-separated list of ports with possible speed # extention (separated by colon); if speed is prefixed with 'L', it is # a "locked" port speed, otherwise it is a maximum speed to be set, while # actual speed is taken from the nodelist. If speed is omitted (or set # to zero), previous port speed is not changed. #ModemPort (time Any0000-0900,Sat,Sun) ttyS0 ModemPort ttyS0:L38400 # PhoneTrans lines provide rules to change phone prefixes to make local # or long-distance calls. In the example below, my country code is 7, # and local dialing area is 095. From the numbers starting with "7-095-" # the prefix is stripped and the 7-digit remainder is dialed. For # the numbers starting with "7-" but not with "7-095-", the country prefix # "7-" is stripped and the long-distance dialing prefix "8W" substituted. # For the numbers not matching any of the above, international # call is performed: international dialing prefix "8W10" is prepended # to the unmodified 11-digit number. Generally, the syntax is: # "PhoneTrans / " PhoneTrans 39-19 / PhoneTrans 39- / 0 PhoneTrans / 00 ModemReset ATZ\r #ModemDial (time Any0800-2200 & address 2:5020/49) AT&M5&N4DP\T\r #ModemDial (address 2:5020/49) AT&M5&N6DP\T\r #ModemDial (speed < 4800) AT&N3DP\T\r ModemDial ATL0M0\r\pATDT\T\r ModemHangup ATZ\r ModemOK OK ModemConnect CONNECT ModemConnect CONNECT\s19200 ModemConnect CONNECT\s14400 ModemConnect CONNECT\s12000 ModemConnect CONNECT\s9600 ModemConnect CONNECT\s2400 ModemError BUSY ModemError NO\sCARRIER ModemError NO\sDIAL ModemError RING\r ModemError ERROR # Timeouts to wait for "OK" and "CONNECT", cannot be prefixed by logical # expression. TimeoutReset 3 TimeoutConnect 70 # Delay in seconds before every call in "automatic" mode. Ignored # if explicit list of addresses specified in the command string. DialDelay 0 # Call options (time, address and nodelist flag dependant) # All matching are applied in the order they are specified. # Possible options are "[No]Call", "[No]Hold", "[No]PUA", "[No]EMSI", # "[No]WaZOO", "[No]Freqs", "[No]Zmodem", "[No]ZedZap", "[No]Janus", # "[No]Hydra". Here, WaZOO stands for YooHoo/2U2 handshake, not for # the transfer scheme. FTS-0001 handshake and DietIFNA scheme cannot # be disallowed (because they are mandatory by standart). "Hold" # means really hold "hold" type packets and files: do not send them # if our system initiated the session, "NoHold" means send "hold" # packets when our system initiated the session. "NoPUA" stands for # "No PickUp All", i.e. PUP ("Pick Up Primary"). NoCall means do not # perform outbound call. This flag has no effect on the nodes # explicitly specified in the command line. # Default options are "everything allowed". #options ((!CM) & time Any0700-0200) Nocall #options (time Any0000-2359) NoHold #options (time Any0900-2100 & ! address 2:5020/*) Nocall # EMSI data for this node # From this line on values CANNOT be prefixed with logical expression Name Md Point Location Savona - Italy SysOp Marco d'Itri Phone +39-19-PRIVATE Speed 14400 Flags XA,V32B,V42B