Style guides

This section contains notes on conventions that the LDP has agreed to in order to give all LDP documents a similar look and feel. You should keep these guides in mind when writing.

Date formats

The <pubdate> tag in your header should be in the following format:

v1.0, 21 April 2000

Graphics formats

When submitting graphics to the LDP, please submit one set of graphics in .eps, and another in either .gif or .jpg. Be aware of the patent issues with .gif, but it makes slightly better pictures then .jpg.

DocBook Versions

Only DocBook 3.1 is supported by the LDP at this time. DocBook 4.0 is under consideration. Many 3.1 documents can be converted to 4.0 easily by avoiding the use of depreciated tags.

When writing your DocBook header, it should look like this:

<!doctype article public "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN">

Depreciated Tags

Tags listed in DocBook: The Definitive Guide as depreciated are discouraged for use in LDP documentation. Some ways to use newer tags are listed in the tip and tricks section.

Tag Minimization

Tag minimization is using </> instead of the full end of a tag (such as </para>. Since this makes the document more confusing for future authors and LDP members, and is not allowed in XML DocBook, please refrain from this practice.


Conventions for different kinds of text is as follows:

If you're going to show the use of a command, format the command so it looks like a user's command line. The prompt must contain the shell type (bash, tcsh, zsh, etc) followed by a $ for commands to be run as a normal (non-root) user or a # for a root user.

A command would then look like this:

bash$ command "run as a normal user"
bash# command "run as a root user"
tcsh# setenv DISPLAY :0.0