Before You Configure CCVS

Before configuring CCVS, you need to be able to answer certain questions about your system and about how you want to set up CCVS. To prepare for the configuration process, be sure to follow these steps:

  1. Please read through all documentation and errata that came with the program.

  2. Fill out setup.txt. The setup.txt file is a worksheet which explains the different information needed when configuring CCVS to use particular protocols. If you fill out setup.txt, you'll have all of the information needed for the configuration process available at your fingertips. You can find it in the /usr/share/doc/CCVS-<version> directory. Alternatively, setup.txt is also available at

    NotePlease Note

    On the setup worksheet, you'll be asked for some protocol-specific information. You only need to provide information for the protocol which you are going to use. You don't need to fill in the worksheet information for any of the other protocols.

  3. The CCVS installation program will ask you several things about your modem, so be prepared with the appropriate information. Currently CCVS only documents the init strings for three modems:

    Hayes Optima or ACCURA

    \r~~~\rAT &D3 X4 E0 &K0 &Q0

    U.S. Robotics Sportster or Courier

    \r~~~\rAT E0 L0 M1 V1 X4 &K0 &M0 +FCLASS=0

    Chase Research PCI-RAS

    \r~~~\rAT E0 %C0 \\N0

    If your modem does not appear on this list, look through your modem manual to find the string which turns off all compression and error correction, and the string which resets your modem for normal usage. You'll need to set these two modem strings during the configuration process.