#!/usr/bin/perl require("translations"); sub parseLine { my($line) = @_; $line =~ /"(.*)"/; $vendor = $1; $device = $2; $class =~ s/ *$//; $device =~ s/ *$//; $id = $vendor . "|" . $device; return $id; } open(F, "pcitable"); while () { chop; if (/^# List of known device classes/) { break; } if (/^#/) { next; } s/ *$//; if (!length($_)) { next }; if ( /([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)\t"([^"]*)"/) { $vendor = $1; $device = $2; $driver = $3; $class =~ s/ *$//; $device =~ s/ *$//; $id = $vendor . "|" . $device; $drivers{$id} = $driver; } } close(F); rename("pcitable","pcitable.old"); open(F, "pcitable"); print DRIVERS "# This file is automatically generated from isys/pci. Edit\n"; print DRIVERS "# it by hand to change a driver mapping. Other changes will\n"; print DRIVERS "# be lost at the next merge - you have been warned."; print DRIVERS "\n"; print DRIVERS "# The format is (\"%d\\t%d\\t%s\\t\"%s\"\\n\", classid, devid, moduleName, cardDescription)"; print DRIVERS "\n\n"; $class = ""; while () { chop; s/ */ /g; s/^ *//g; s/ *$//g; if (/^# List of known device classes/) { last; } if (/^#.*/) { next }; if (!length($_)) { next }; if (/^\t/) { if ($class eq "") { die "unexpected device\n"; } s/\t([0-9A-Fa-f]+) +//; $devid = $1; $name = $class . "|" . $_; $device = "0x" . $classid . "|0x" . $devid; if ($drivers{$device}) { printf(DRIVERS "0x%s\t0x%s\t%s\t\"%s\"\n", $classid, $devid, $drivers{$device},$name); } else { printf(DRIVERS "0x%s\t0x%s\t%s\t\"%s\"\n", $classid, $devid, "unknown",$name); } } else { s/([0-9A-Fa-f]+) +//; $classid = $1; if ($classtr{$_}) { $class = $classtr{$_}; } else { $class = $_; } } } close(F);