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6. Adjusting fonts in specific applications

6.1 Netscape Navigator/Communicator

Netscape Communicator is particularly susceptible to font problems. If you're using the default FontPath, your fonts will be very tiny and very ugly. The first thing you'll want to do is fix your XF86Config FontPath (see section 2.) Using 100dpi fonts improves readability immensly. You'll also want check your font settings under Edit/Preferences, under Appearance/Fonts. To get rid of bitmap font pixelization, turn off the option "Allow Scaling" on the font selection.

If you have xfstt or xfs, Netscape is perfectly capable of using TrueType fonts. However, it doesn't handle xfstt's quirkiness very gracefully. In Edit/Preferences, you can specify TrueType fonts as the variable and fixed width fonts, however Netscape will not remember the size you've picked after you closed it. If you haven't used the -dpi switch when starting the X server or used the --res switch in xfstt, you'll get very tiny fonts. Once I applied these two fixes, TrueType fonts work great.

6.2 WordPerfect

Coming soon.

6.3 StarOffice

Coming soon.

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