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BogoMips mini-Howto

Wim van Dorst,

v1.2, 12 November 1999

This text gives some information about BogoMips, compiled from various sources such as news and e-mail. This text is retrievable from the various Linux archives in the file HOWTO/mini/BogoMips. Translations are available IMHO in French, Japanese, Italian, German, Polish, Portuguese, and Hungarian from appropriate archives. An explanatory article, titled 'the Quintessential Linux Benchmark,' was published in the Linux Journal, issue January 1996. New mini-Howto entries for unlisted CPUs will be highly appreciated. They can be send per e-mail to the author.

Note: during the period February/May 1999 I received very interesting BogoMips information. Unfortunately due to hardware failure (and my additional erroneous behaviour) the archive file of these was lost. So in case you did send me information, but it doesn't show in this file, please send me the data again. I apologize for the misser. WvD.

1. Lowest and highest BogoMips ratings

2. The frequently asked questions about BogoMips

3. Compilation of ratings

4. Signature

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