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3. Requirements

This chapter is about what is needed to get your tablet working.

3.1 Which Hardware is supported

First of all, you should have a tablet, of course. This should be a product that connects to the serial port (RS232) of your computer, because USB support for linux is still under development and it seems that ADB will not survive any longer.

The following Wacom tablets are supported:

The older SD and HD series are not supported by the standard XFree86 driver, however, a modified driver that supports these devices as well some OEM products with embedded screens including the IBM Thinkpad 360 PE and Toshiba T200 is available from:

3.2 Which Software is needed

3.3 Which Software is supported

There is a big number of programs based on the gtk library. The gtk has XInput support and makes it very easy to use.
At least the following applications support XInput:

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