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18. "C", "C++", ESQL/C language Interfaces and Bitwise Operators for PostgreSQL

18.1 "C" interface

It is included in distribution and is called 'libpq'. Similar to Oracle OCI, Sybase DB-lib, Informix CLI libraries.

18.2 "C++" interface

It is included in distribution and is called 'libpq++'.

18.3 ESQL/C

ESQL/C 'Embedded C Pre-compiler' for PostgreSQL ESQL/C is like Oracle Pro*C, Informix ESQL/C. The PostgreSQL ESQL/C is an SQL application-programming interface (API) enables the C programmer to create custom applications with database-management capabilities. The PostgreSQL ESQL/C allows you to use a third-generation language with which you are familiar and still take advantage of the Structured Query Language (SQL).

ESQL/C consists of the following pieces of software:

It is at

18.4 BitWise Operators for PostgreSQL

Bitwise operators was written by Nicolas Moldavsky

"C" functions that implement bitwise operators (AND, OR, XOR, bit complement) on pgsql. Get them by anonymous FTP from Makefile for Linux is included.
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