Scripts Category Web

ScriptnameREADME This script checks given files for dates matching a given format and compare
this with the date of last modification of the file.
Actually the script can do the following: Sitescooper downloads news stories from the web and converts them to Palm
handheld iSilo, DOC or text format for later reading on-the-move. Site
files and full documentation can be found at .
httpdebug-1.06 This is a tool to help you debug HTTP transactions. It uses both
the HTTP server and HTTP client functionalities of the LWP bundle.
Using this script, you can easily and quickly mimic and tweak transactions
between servers and clients. You operate this program using a Web browser.
timefetch-1.02 This script uses LWP and Time::HiRes to fetch a web page,
parse embedded IMG tags and other tags, download the images,
and time the whole download operation. It is useful for measuring
download times for an entire page with images, and for reporting
errors in downloads (timeouts, connect failures, broken images, etc.).
Complete documentation is available in the script iteself,
in the embedded POD. CGIscriptor merges plain ASCII HTML files transparantly and safely
with CGI variables, PERL code, shell commands, and executable scripts
(on-line and real-time). It combines the "ease of use" of HTML files with
the versatillity of specialized scripts and PERL programs. It hides
all the specifics and idiosyncrasies of correct output and CGI coding
and naming. Scripts do not have to be aware of HTML, HTTP, or CGI
conventions jus... Whenever an HTTP request is received, the specified CGI script is
started inside a child process as if it was inside a real server (e.g.,
Apache). The evironment variables are set more or less as in Apache.
Note that CGIservlet only uses a SINGLE script for ALL requests.
No attemps for security are made, it is the script's responsibility to
check access rights and the validity of the request.
linux-help-1.01 CGI program for looking up help text, e.g. man, info and pod pages on localhost.
It is slower than systems like dwww because
it doesn't cache and searches dynamically - but you never have to update
anything or pre-index because of this dynamism. Betsie is a simple CGI filter to improve the accessibility of arbitrary valid HTML pages. It
effectively creates an on-the-fly text-only version of your site.
For full details of how to use and install Betsie, please refer to the following URL:
For full details of Betsie's current functionality, contact details, etc etc etc,
visit the Betsie website:

Kurt Starsinic
Last modified: Tue Feb 15 14:57:02 2000