NAME Getopt::Tiny - yet another command line argument parsing module SYNOPSIS use Getopt::Tiny; my $arg = 'default value'; my @list; my %hash; my $flag; my %set; # begin usage info my (%flags) = ( 'argx' => \$arg, # set a parameter 'listx' => \@list, # fill in a list 'hashx' => \%hash, # set key/value pairs ); my (%switches) = ( 'flagx' => \$flag, # on or off } # end usage info getopt(\@ARGV, \%flags, \%switches); Getopt::Tiny::usage(__FILE__, \%flags, \%switches); or use Getopt::Tiny; %flags = ... %switches = ... getopt() Getopt::Tiny::usage(); DESCRIPTION Getopt::Tiny is yet another argument parsing module. The results of the argument parsing are stored by using references that were provided to getopt(). Usage information is automatically generated. Getopt::Tiny expects all arguments to be switches -- no trailing list of files. Getopt::Tiny can either call an existing usage() function or it can use it's own builtin one. It trys to use the existing one by default. If that fails, it will use its own. It figures out how to describe things by reading the file where call to getopt() originated. In the file where getopt is called, the following two lines must appear exactly as written here: # begin usage info # end usage info Between these two lines, lines that match the pattern of: 'someflag' => ... # a description will be noticed and used to document each flag individually. The usage() function of Getopt::Tiny can be called on it's own. It can either have it's arguments given to it explicitly or it can default them like getopt(). If a usage function is provided, it will be called with one parameter: the argument that didn't parse. ARGUMENT TYPES There are four types of arguments that Getopt::Tiny supports. switches Switches are either on or off. In the example in the synopsis, the variable $flag will be respectively set to `1' or `0' if `-flagx' or `-noflagx' appears in the argument list . parameter Parameters have values. In the example above, the $arg variable will be set to whatever follows `-argx' in the argument list. list List flags can have multiple values. If present, they will have at least one value. In the example above, if the argument list containted `qw(-listx a b c -listx -d e -argx foo)', the array @list would end up with a value of `qw(a b c -d e)'. hash Hashes have multiple key-value pairs. If present they will have at least one value. In the exmaple above, if the argument list containted `qw(-hashx a=b c=d -hashx -e=f -argx bar)', the hash %hash would end up with a value of `(a => b, c => d, -e => f)'. DEFAULT PARAMETERS If no arguments are given to getopt() then it assumes that the argument list to parse is `\@ARGV' and that the flags and switch references are `\%::flags' and `\%::switches' respectively. Likewise, if no arguments are given to usage() then it assumes that filename to look for information in is `(caller(0))[1]' and that the flags and switches are as above. COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 1998, David Muir Sharnoff. All rights reserved. License hearby granted for anyone to use this module at their own risk. Please feed useful changes back to