------------- CGI::WeT 0.71 ------------- CGI::WeT is a package to help build a website with the ability to offer looks for the same content. CGI::WeT prefers Apache with mod_perl but can be made to work without mod_perl with a little more effort. Version 0.71 provides almost complete emulation of CGI.pm. Any differences from normal operation after converting a script from CGI to CGI::WeT should be considered bugs in CGI::WeT (unless they aren't). Please report them to the mailing list. To install, simply type $ perl Makefile.PL $ make $ make install This should install all the man pages and perl modules. The `scripts' directory has some sample scripts that should work with mod_perl. The `themes' directory has a sample theme to illustrate how themes are created. ------- ROADMAP ------- Where is CGI::WeT going? Additional theme definition formats will be coming. Formost is the use of HTML to define themes. Possible look at HTML::Template for some pointers. This might be waiting for Perl 5.6 with its regexp extensions... The code will be focusing more on presenting the page and less on building a complete site. Other modules do well providing news services and database presentation. CGI::WeT will focus on building the page. ------------ MAILING LIST ------------ You may subscribe to the CGI::WeT mailing list by sending an email to cgi-wet-request@jamesmith.com with 'subscribe' in the message body. ------- CHANGES ------- See the `Changes' file in this directory.