# $Id: README,v 1.17 1998/02/18 20:27:34 mergl Exp $
This is version 0.78 of Apache::AuthenDBI.pm, Apache::AuthzDBI.pm,
Apache::DBI.pm and DebugDBI.pm.
These four modules are supposed to be used with the Apache daemon together
with an embedded perl interpreter like mod_perl. They provide support for
basic authentication via Perl's Database Independent Interface (DBI).
o AuthenDBI.pm provides authentication,
o AuthzDBI.pm provides authorization,
o DBI.pm provides persistent database connections.
o DebugDBI.pm enables debugging.
Here we explain only some simple examples. For further information and
limitations please read the module documentation.
1. user authentication
Suppose you want to restrict access to a certain URL to a specific user
and the necessary information for restricting user access is stored in
your database. A typical setup would be the following:
PerlModule Apache::AuthenDBI
AuthName DBI
AuthType Basic
PerlAuthenHandler Apache::AuthenDBI
PerlSetVar Auth_DBI_data_source dbi:driver:dsn
PerlSetVar Auth_DBI_username db_username
PerlSetVar Auth_DBI_password db_password
# DBI->connect($data_source, $username, $password)
PerlSetVar Auth_DBI_pwd_table users
PerlSetVar Auth_DBI_uid_field username
PerlSetVar Auth_DBI_pwd_field password
#SELECT pwd_field FROM pwd_table WHERE uid_field=$user
require user myuser
In this example it is assumed, that your database contains a table named
'users' which has at least the two columns 'username' and 'password'. When
accessing the URL for the first time a requester pops up, asking for username
and password. For authentication the module retrieves for the given username
the password from the database. This is compared with the crypted password
given by the user. If the check succeeds, the user is given access to the
specified URL.
Please do not confuse this user authentication with the username/password
needed for the database connect. These two authentications are completely
independent !
2. group authorization
Suppose you want to restrict access to a certain URL to a specific user group
and the necessary information for restricting user access is stored in your
database. A typical setup would be the following:
PerlModule Apache::AuthzDBI
PerlModule Apache::AuthenDBI
AuthName DBI
AuthType Basic
PerlAuthzHandler Apache::AuthzDBI
PerlAuthenHandler Apache::AuthenDBI
PerlSetVar Auth_DBI_data_source dbi:mydriver:mydsn
PerlSetVar Auth_DBI_username db_username
PerlSetVar Auth_DBI_password db_password
# DBI->connect($data_source, $username, $password)
PerlSetVar Auth_DBI_pwd_table users
PerlSetVar Auth_DBI_grp_table users
PerlSetVar Auth_DBI_uid_field username
PerlSetVar Auth_DBI_pwd_field password
PerlSetVar Auth_DBI_grp_field groupname
#SELECT grp_field FROM grp_table WHERE uid_field=$user AND grp_field=$group
require group mygroup
In this example it is assumed, that your database contains a table named
'users' which has at least the three columns 'username', 'password' and
'groupname'. When accessing the URL for the first time a requester pops up,
asking for username and password. The first check (authentication) retrieves
for the given username the password from the database. This is compared with
the crypted password given by the user. In a second check (authorization)
the group of the given username is looked up in the database and compared with
the group required in the .htaccess file. If both checks succeed, the user is
given access to the specified URL.
Please do not confuse the user authentication with the username/password
needed for the database connect. These two authentications are completely
independent !
Although the AuthzDBI module handles all types of basic authentication it is
perfectly sufficient to configure only the AuthenDBI module, as long, as the
require token restricts access to 'valid-user' or to one or more single user
names. You need to configure the AuthzDBI module only if the require token
contains one or more group names.
3. persistent database connection
The following information is intended to motivate the use of persistent
database connections and to explain the necessary configuration.
In the above example for user authorization the requester asking for username
and password pops up only once. The browser stores the user input and provides
it to subsequent requests. But the sequence of two database accesses is done
for every request, e.g. if your restricted URL contains a HTML page with some
images, this sequence is executed once for the HTML page and once for every
image ! For databases which need a significant amount of time for the connect
(e.g. start of a backend process) this might become an unacceptable overhead
for the authorization procedure. This drawback can be overcome with the use of
persistent database connections as provided by the Apache::DBI module.
The benefit of a persistent database connection is not limited to the use
of authorization. Every application, which does a lot of database queries,
should gain a significant performance boost, when using persistent database
connections. On the contrary, any database with minimal overhead for
establishing a connection (e.g. mSQL) will gain only a small benefit.
If you plan to use persistent database connections, there is only one thing
to do: add the following configuration directive to conf/httpd.conf:
PerlModule Apache::DBI # this comes first !!
.... # other Apache modules
Do not change your perl scripts ! In particular do not add any
'use Apache::DBI;' statements. Also there is no need to remove
the $dbh->disconnect statements from your perl scripts.
The DBI module checks when it is loaded if the Apache::DBI module has been
loaded before (that's the reason the Apache::DBI module has to come first).
In this case, during the database connect, control flow goes through the
Apache::DBI module which stores the new database handle in a global hash and
which overloads the disconnect method with a NOP.
With the above configuration every httpd process initiates a database
connection upon the first connect request. Sometimes it is more convenient
to initiate all needed database handles upon process startup. This can be
done with the method:
Apache::DBI->connect_on_init($data_source, $username, $auth, \%attr)
This method is supposed to be called in a startup file, in which also all
needed modules can be loaded. As an example the file startup.pl is provided.
Add all other modules you need to this file and just add one line to your
PerlRequire /usr/local/apache/perl/startup.pl
This way all modules are pulled into the main httpd process. When the
main process forks his children, the code of all modules is already in
place and the database handle will also be initiated. For further
information read the mod_perl_tuning guide of Vivek Khera.
If you want to make sure that the module works correctly, turn on debugging
as described below and search for 'Apache::DBI' in the output. You should
get one 'new connect' message for every httpd process. Any subsequent request
should result in a 'already connected' message. Please keep in mind, that
httpd processes may be killed as well as newly created depending upon your
configuration and depending upon your load. Every new process needs to do his
own initial database connect.
You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public
License or the Artistic License, as specified in the Perl README file.
For AuthenDBI and AuthzDBI configure mod_perl with:
1. perl Makefile.PL
2. make
sorry, but there is no test sequence available
4. make install
Please send comments and bug-reports to
Before sending a bug report it might be useful to look at the debug output.
To enable debug output either place the following line in httpd.conf after
all other Apache modules:
PerlModule Apache::DebugDBI
or set the following variables in your perl script:
$Apache::DBI::DEBUG = 1;
$Apache::AuthenDBI::DEBUG = 1;
$Apache::AuthzDBI::DEBUG = 1;
and watch the error logfile.
If this doesn't help, please mail me the debug output and
include the output of perl -v,
and the output of perl -V,
and the version of DBI,
and the used database
in your bug-report.
Apache by Apache Group comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix
mod_perl by Doug MacEachern MODPERL@LISTPROC.ITRIBE.NET
DBI by Tim Bunce dbi-users@fugue.com
Edmund Mergl February 18, 1998