*** WARNING *** WARNING *** WARNING *** WARNING *** This module requires XML::Parser version 2.20, but that's not been released yet. To get around this you need to make 2 patches to XML::Parser (1 of them is non-essential). First, the non-essential bug fix: In XML::Parser, the Stream style has a function doText which looks like: sub doText { ... if ($_) { ... } } change that to: sub doText { ... if (defined $_) { ... } } And the other, required fix is to add the following function to Expat.pm: sub finish { my ($self) = @_; foreach (keys %{$self->{_Setters}}) { &{$self->{_Setters}->{$_}}($self->{Parser}, undef); } } The first patch fixes a bug where you have 0 and the finish function allows you to break out of a parse phase. END OF WARNING. NAME CGI::XMLForm - Extension of CGI.pm which reads/generates formated XML. NB: This is a subclass of CGI.pm, so can be used in it's place. SYNOPSIS use CGI::XMLForm; my $cgi = new CGI::XMLForm; print $cgi->header, $cgi->pre($cgi->escapeHTML($cgi->ToXML)); DESCRIPTION This module takes form fields given in a specialised format, and outputs them to XML based on that format. The idea is that you can create forms that define the resulting XML at the back end. The format for the form elements is: which creates the following XML:

It's the user's responsibility to design appropriate forms to make use of this module, although coming later will be a small module that uses my XML::DTDParser to create all the form elements given a DTD. Also supported are attribute form items, that allow creation of element attributes. The syntax for this is: Which creates the following XML:

Also possible are relative paths. So the following form elements: Will create the following XML:
value1 value2
SYNTAX The following is a brief syntax guideline Full paths start with a "/" : "/table/tr/td" Relative paths start with either ".." or just a tag name. "../tr/td" "td" Relative paths go at the level above the previous path, unless the previous path was also a relative path, in which case it goes at the same level. This seems confusing at first (you might expect it to always go at the level above the previous element), but it makes your form easier to design. Take the following example: You have a timesheet (see the example supplied in the archive) that has monday,tuesday,etc. Our form can look like this: ... Rather than: ... If unsure I recommend using full paths, relative paths are great for repeating groups of data, but weak for heavily structured data. Picture the following paths: /timesheet/employee/name/forename ../surname title ../department This actually creates the following XML: val1 val2 val3> val4 Confusing eh? Far better to say: /timesheet/employee/name/forename /timesheet/employee/name/surname /timesheet/employee/name/title /timesheet/employee/department Or alternatively, better still: /timesheet/employee/name (Make hidden and no value) forename surname title ../department Attributes go in square brackets. Attribute names are preceded with an "@", and attribute values follow an "=" sign and are enclosed in quotes. Multiple attributes are separated with " and ". /table[@bgcolor="blue" and @width="100%"]/tr/td If setting an attribute, it follows after the tag that it is associated with, after a "/" and it's name is preceded with an "@". /table/@bgcolor Caveats There are a few caveats to using this module: AUTHOR Matt Sergeant msergeant@ndirect.co.uk, sergeant@geocities.com Based on an original concept, and discussions with, Jonathan Eisenzopf. Thanks to the Perl-XML mailing list for suggesting the XSL syntax. Special thanks to Francois Belanger (francois@sitepak.com) for his mentoring and help with the syntax design. SEE ALSO CGI(1), CGI::XML