Introduction ------------ DFS-Perl is a perl module interface that tries to accomplish two things: first, it provides a simple API to view and modify DFS ACLs, and second, it provides classes to manipulate DFS internals, such as fileservers, aggregates, and filesets. Access to DFS state is mostly read-only. Currently, the only thing DFS-Perl can modify is fileset quota. Installation ------------ Before installing DFS-Perl, you need to have DCE-Perl installed and configured on your system. DCE-Perl is available via CPAN, or via the URL: The lastest version of DCE-Perl available as of this writing is 0.14, which has a bug in the ACL module. If a new fixed version is not yet available, you need to apply the patch in the file DCE-Perl-0.14.diff by running the following commands before building and installing DCE-Perl: cd /path/to/DCE-Perl-0.14 patch -p1 -d . < /path/to/DFS-Perl-0.15/DCE-Perl-0.14.diff Once DCE-Perl has been successfully installed, you need to read the file README.LIBDCEDFS and verify that libdcedfs.a and the necessary header files are available on your system. Once these prerequisites are met, you can build and install DFS-Perl by running the following commands: cd /path/to/DFS-Perl-0.15 perl Makefile.PL make make install Changes ------- 0.15 - Beta release including new classes to interface to DFS flservers, ftservers, aggregates, and filesets. 0.10 - First publicly released version. Feedback/Availability --------------------- Please report any bugs or feature requests to <>. DFS-Perl and DCE-Perl have a mailing list available for discussion and announcements. To subscribe, send email to <> with a body of "subscribe dce-perl". I'd also be very interested to hear that you're using DFS-Perl. If you could send me an email describing how you use DCE/DFS at your site, and what value you receive from DFS-Perl, I'd really appreciate it. The latest version of DFS-Perl is currently available at