BUILD ROOT ========== The build root is very similar to Root: (which will be deprecated soon). By using Buildroot: in your spec file you are indicating that your package can be built (installed into and packaged from) a user-definable directory. This helps package building by normal users. The Spec File ------------- Simply use Buildroot: in your spec file. The acutal buildroot used by RPM during the build will be available to you (and your %prep, %build, and %install sections) as the environment variable RPM_BUILD_ROOT. You must make sure that the files for the package are installed into the proper buildroot. As with Root:, the files listed in the %files section should *not* contain the buildroot. For example, the following hypothetical spec file: Name: foo ... Root: /tmp %prep ... %build ... %install install -m755 fooprog /tmp/usr/bin/fooprog %files /usr/bin/fooprog would be changed to: Name: foo ... Buildroot: /tmp %prep ... %build ... %install install -m755 fooprog $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/bin/fooprog %files /usr/bin/fooprog Building With a Build Root -------------------------- RPM will use the buildroot listed in the spec file as the default buildroot. There are two ways to override this. First, you can have "buildroot: " in your rpmrc. Second, you can override the default, and any entry in an rpmrc by using "--buildroot " on the RPM command line.