WWW::HTMLTagAttributeCounter - access a webpage and count number of tags
    or attributes

        use strict;
        use warnings;

        use WWW::HTMLTagAttributeCounter;

        my $c = WWW::HTMLTagAttributeCounter->new;

        $c->count('', [ qw/a span div/ ] )
            or die "Error: " . $c->error . "\n";

        print "I counted $c tags on\n";

    The module was developed for use in an IRC bot thus you may find it
    useless for anything else.

    The module simply accesses a given webpage and counts either HTML tags
    or HTML element attributes.

        my $c = WWW::HTMLTagAttributeCounter->new;

        my $c = WWW::HTMLTagAttributeCounter->new(
            ua => LWP::UserAgent->new( timeout => 10 ),

    Contructs and returns a fresh "WWW::HTMLTagAttributeCounter" object.
    Takes the following arguments in a key/value fashion:

        my $c = WWW::HTMLTagAttributeCounter->new(
            ua => LWP::UserAgent->new( timeout => 10 ),

    Optional. The "ua" argument takes an LWP::UserAgent-like object as a
    value, the object must have a "get()" method that returns HTTP::Response
    object and takes a URI to fetch as the first argument. Default to:

            timeout => 30,
            agent   => 'Opera 9.5',

        my $result = $c->count( '', 'div' )
            or die $c->error;

        my $result = $c->count( '', [ qw/div span a/ ] )
            or die $c->error;

        my $result = $c->count( '', [ qw/href class id/ ], 'attr' )
            or die $c->error;

    Instructs the object to count tags or attributes. Takes two or three
    arguments that are as follows:

   first argument
        $c->count( '', 'div' )

        $c->count( \ '<div></div><div></div>, 'div' )

    Mandatory. The first argument must be either a string with URI to access
    or a reference to a scalar containing the actual HTML code. If the URI
    is passed the object will fetch the URI and the contents of will be
    treated as HTML code.

   second argument
        $c->count( '', 'div' )

        $c->count( '', [ qw/div span a/ ] )

        $c->count( '', 'href', 'attr' )

        $c->count( '', [ qw/href id class/ ], 'attr' )

    Mandatory. The second argument takes either a string or an arrayref as a
    value. Specifying a string is the same as specifying an arrayref with
    just that string in it. The argument represents what to count, i.e. this
    would be either tag names or attribute names.

   third argument
        $c->count( '', 'div' )

        $c->count( '', 'div', 'tag' )

        $c->count( '', 'href', 'attr' )

    Optional. The third argument (if specified) must be either string "tag"
    or string "attr". The argument specifies what to count, if it's "tag"
    then the object will count tags (specified in the second argument) if
    the value is "attr" then the object will count attributes. Defaults to:

   return value
        my $result = $c->count( '', [ qw/div a span/ ], )
            or die $c->error;

        $VAR1 = {
            'div' => 6,
            'a' => 15,
            'span' => 8

    In case of an error the "count()" method returns either "undef" or an
    empty list, depending on the context, and the description of the error
    will be available via "error()" method. On success returns a hashref
    where keys are either tags or attributes that you were counting and
    values are the actual count numbers.

        $c->count( '', [ qw/div a span/ ], )
            or die $c->error;

        my $result = $c->result;

    Must be called after a successful call to "count()" method. Returns the
    exact same hashref last call to "count()" method returned.

        $c->count( '', [ qw/div a span/ ], )
            or die $c->error;

        print "I counted $c tags on\n";
        # or
        print "I counted " . $c->result_readable . " tags on\n"
        ## prints:   I counted 15 a, 6 div and 8 span tags on

    Must be called after a successful call to "count()" method. Returns
    count results as a string, e.g.:

        15 a, 6 div and 8 span
        6 div and 8 span
        8 span

    This method is overloaded on "", therefore you can simply use the object
    in a string to get the return of this method.

        $c->count( '', [ qw/div a span/ ], )
            or die $c->error;

    If "count()" method fails it will return either "undef" or an empty
    list, depending on the context, and the error will be available via
    "error()" method. Takes no arguments, returns human parsable error
    message explaing the failure.

        my $ua = $c->ua;
        $ua->proxy( 'http', '' );
        $c->ua( $ua );

    Returns currently used object that used for fetching URIs - see
    constructor's "ua" argument for details. Takes one optional argument -
    the new object to use for fetching.

    'Zoffix, "<'zoffix at'>" (<>,
    <>, <>)

    Please report any bugs or feature requests to
    "bug-www-htmltagattributecounter at", or through the web
    interface at
    ter>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of
    progress on your bug as I make changes.

    You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

        perldoc WWW::HTMLTagAttributeCounter

    You can also look for information at:

    *   RT: CPAN's request tracker


    *   AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


    *   CPAN Ratings


    *   Search CPAN


    Copyright 2008 'Zoffix, all rights reserved.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.