# NAME Web::AssetLib::OutputEngine::S3 - allows exporting an asset or bundle to an AWS S3 Bucket On first usage, a cache will be generated of all files in the bucket. This way, we know what needs to be uploaded and what's already there. # SYNOPSIS my $library = My::AssetLib::Library->new( output_engines => [ Web::AssetLib::OutputEngine::S3->new( access_key => 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY', secret_key => 'AWS_SECRET_KEY', bucket_name => 'S3_BUCKET_NAME', region => 'S3_BUCKET_REGION' ) ] ); $library->compile( ..., output_engine => 'S3' ); # USAGE This is an output engine plugin for [Web::AssetLib](https://metacpan.org/pod/Web::AssetLib). Instantiate with `access_key`, `secret_key`, `bucket_name`, and `region` arguments, and include in your library's output engine list. # PARAMETERS ## access\_key ## secret\_key AWS access & secret keys. Must have `List` and `Put` permissions for destination bucket. Required. ## bucket\_name S3 bucket name. Required. ## region AWS region name of the bucket. Required. ## region AWS region name of the bucket ## link\_url Used as the base url of any asset that gets exported to S3. Make sure it's public! Your CDN may go here. ## object\_expiration\_cb Provide a coderef used to calculate the Expiration header. Currently, no arguments are passed to the callback. Defaults to: sub { return DateTime->now( time_zone => 'local' )->add( years => 1 ); }; # SEE ALSO [Web::AssetLib](https://metacpan.org/pod/Web::AssetLib) [Web::AssetLib::OutputEngine](https://metacpan.org/pod/Web::AssetLib::OutputEngine) # AUTHOR Ryan Lang <rlang@cpan.org>