Description ----------- OAI-PERL are a set of Perl modules that provide an API to the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH). OAI-PMH is a XML-over-HTTP protocol for transferring metadata between a repository (the HTTP server) and service provider (the HTTP client). Synopsis -------- use HTTP::OAI::Harvester; my $h = HTTP::OAI::Harvester->new( baseURL=>'', debug=>1, ); my $r = $h->ListIdentifiers( metadataPrefix=>'oai_dc' ); die unless $r->is_success(); while(my $rec = $r->next) { # Check we didn't fail on a resumption token die unless $rec->is_success(); print $rec->identifier(); } Installation ------------ perl make make test make install To disable the network tests use: export SKIP_HTTP_OAI_NETTESTS=1 Use the following to view the root documentation: man HTTP::OAI::Harvester man HTTP::OAI::Repository Utility Scripts --------------- bin/oai_browser - Interactively browse an OAI repository Related Modules --------------- Net::OAI::Harvester by Ed Summers. Development ----------- git clone git:// Author ------ Copyright 2012 � Tim Brody This module is released under the same terms as Perl.