NAME Tie::Handle::TtyRec - write a ttyrec VERSION Version 0.03 released ??? SYNOPSIS use Tie::Handle::TtyRec; my $handle = Tie::Handle::TtyRec->new("foo.ttyrec"); print $handle "hello", "world"; DESCRIPTION A ttyrec is a format used for recording terminal sessions. Notably, practically all NetHack games are recorded using ttyrecs. ttyrecs include precise timing data and can be a little fiddly. This module lets you focus on your application, instead of making sure your ttyrec headers are perfect. The usual way to use this module is through its "new" interface. It will clobber the file you decide to record to. A way of allowing you to instead append will be included in a future version. Each argument to print will be put into its own ttyrec frame, using the current time. So, the following will create three separate frames, print $handle "foo", "bar", "baz"; The following will create only one frame, print $handle "foo" . "bar" . "baz"; SEE ALSO Term::TtyRec, Term::TtyRec::Plus AUTHOR Shawn M Moore, "<sartak at>" BUGS No known bugs. Please report any bugs through RT: email "bug-tie-handle-ttyrec at", or browse <>. SUPPORT You can find this documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc Tie::Handle::TtyRec You can also look for information at: * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation <> * CPAN Ratings <> * RT: CPAN's request tracker <> * Search CPAN <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright 2007 Shawn M Moore. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.