HTTP::Parser2::XS - yet another http parser

        use HTTP::Parser2::XS;

        my $buf = "GET /foo%20bar/ HTTP/1.0\x0d\x0a".
                  "Host: localhost\x0d\x0a".

        my $r = {}; 

        my $rv = parse_http_request($buf, $r);
        if ($rv == -1) {
            # bad request or internal error
        } elsif ($rv == -2 && length($buf) > 4096) {
            # incomplete request and too long already,
            # no point allowing something like this
        } elsif ($rv == -2) {
            # incomplete request, call again when there is more data
            # in the buffer
        } else {
            # $rv contains the length of the request header on success

        if (exists $r->{'host'} && $r->{'host'}->[0] eq 'localhost') {
            # ...

        if ($r->{'_uri'} eq '/foo bar') {
            # ...

        my $buf = "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\x0d\x0a".
                  "Content-type: text/html\x0d\x0a".
                  "foo bar";

        my $r = {}; 

        my $rv = parse_http_response($buf, $r);
        if ($rv == -1) {
            # bad reponse or internal error
        } elsif ($rv == -2 && length($buf) > 4096) {
            # incomplete response header and too long already,
            # no point allowing something like this
        } elsif ($rv == -2) {
            # incomplete response, call again when there is more data
            # in the buffer
        } else {
            # $rv contains the length of the response header on success

        if (exists $r->{'content-type'} && 
            $r->{'content-type'}->[0] eq 'text/html') 
            # ...

        if ($r->{'_status'} eq '200') {
            # ...

    HTTP::Parser2::XS parses data into a bit different form making perl code
    more clear and consistent.


    $rv = parse_http_request($buf, $r)
        Parses HTTP request in $buf into the hashref $r. Returns length of
        the header on success, -1 on error and -2 if request isn't complete
        yet, i.e. doesn't have an entire header. Converts each header name
        to lower-case and stores each value as an arrayref. For example
        "$r->{'host'}->[0]" returns a "Host" header and "@{$r->{'cookie'}}"
        returns all the cookie headers.

        Additionally adds the following elements:

            Request method, usually "GET", "HEAD", "POST" or "PUT".

            Unchanged undecoded raw request uri.

            Decoded request uri without query string. A lot like $uri in

            Query string. Everything after question mark.

            Protocol and version. Either "HTTP/1.0" or "HTTP/1.1".

            Either 1 or 0. Examines connection header and protocol version
            to decide whether or not keep-alive connection is desired. And
            if it is sets "$r->{'_keepalive'}" to 1.

            Parses content-length header. Stores length as a numeric value
            (SvNV to be precise) or undef if there is no content-length

    $rv = parse_http_response($buf, $r)
        Parses HTTP response in $buf into the hashref $r. Returns length of
        the header on success, -1 on error and -2 if response isn't complete
        yet, i.e. doesn't have an entire header. Converts each header name
        to lower-case and stores each value as an arrayref.

        Additionally adds the following elements:

            Protocol and version. Either "HTTP/1.0" or "HTTP/1.1".

            Response status. For example "200" for "HTTP/1.0 200 OK"

            Status message. For example "OK" for "HTTP/1.0 200 OK" response.

            Either 1 or 0. Examines connection header and protocol version
            to decide whether or not keep-alive connection is desired. And
            if it is sets "$r->{'_keepalive'}" to 1.

            Parses content-length header. Stores length as a numeric value
            (SvNV to be precise) or undef if there is no content-length


    Alexandr Gomoliako <>

    This module uses Kazuho Oku's code from HTTP::Parser::XS.

    Copyright 2011 Alexandr Gomoliako, Kazuho Oku. All rights reserved.

    This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or
    modified under the same terms as Perl itself.