RT::Extension::TicketLocking - Enables users to place advisory locks on

    Locks can be of several different types. Current types are:

    hard (manual) lock
        A lock can be initiated manually by clicking the "Lock" link on one
        of the pages for the ticket. However, hard locks are available only
        to users who can ModifyTicket.

    take lock
        This is only applicable within RTIR. See "RTIR" section below.

    auto lock
        A lock is created whenever a user performs an action on a ticket
        that takes multiple steps if a hard lock is not already in place for
        that ticket.

        An auto lock is removed once the user is done with whatever he was
        doing on the page (e.g., when he clicks "Save Changes" on the Edit
        page). It is also removed if the Unlock link is clicked from a page
        that generated an auto lock.

        Auto-lock is set for the following actions in RT:

            - Comment
            - Reply
            - Resolve

        RTIR's user may find list of actions below.

    Locks are advisory: if a ticket is locked by one user, other users will
    be given a notification (in red) that another user has locked the
    ticket, with the locking user's name and how long he has had it locked
    for, but they will still be allowed to edit and submit changes on the

    When a user locks a ticket (auto lock or hard lock), they are given a
    notification informing them of their lock and how long they have had the
    ticket locked (in some other color - currently green).

  Removing locks
    Locks will remain in place until:

    *   The user is done editing/replying/etc. (for auto locks, if there is
        no hard lock on the ticket)

    *   A lock can be removed manually by clicking the "Unlock" link on one
        of the pages for the ticket. This removes any type of lock.

    *   The user logs out

    *   A configurable expiry period has elapsed (if the $LockExpiry config
        variable has been set to a value greater than zero)

    When a user unlocks a ticket (auto unlock or hard unlock), they are
    given a notification informing them that their lock has been removed,
    and how long they had the ticket locked for.

  Merging tickets
    When a locked ticket (hard or take lock) is merged into another ticket,
    the ticket being merged into will get the lock type of the ticket being
    merged from. This lock shift is conditional upon priority, as usual - if
    the merged from ticket has a lock of a lower priority than the merged-to
    ticket, the merged-to ticket will retain its lock. If the merged-to
    ticket is locked by a different user, that user will retain the lock.
    Basically, the merged-to ticket will retain its lock if it is higher
    priority than the lock on the ticket being merged from.

    Within RTIR auto locks are applied for the following actions:

        - Edit
        - Split
        - Merge
        - Advanced
        - Reply
        - Resolve
        - Reject
        - Comment
        - Remove

    As well, there is special type of lock implemented in RTIR. When a user
    clicks the "Take" link for an RTIR Incident ticket, a Take lock is
    added. This lock will only be removed when the IR is linked to a new or
    existing Incident. If RTIR is not installed, this type will not be

    "perl Makefile.PL"
    "make install"
        May need root permissions

    Edit your /opt/rt4/etc/
        If you are using RT 4.2 or greater, add this line:


        For RT 3.8 and 4.0, add this line:

            Set(@Plugins, qw(RT::Extension::TicketLocking));

        or add "RT::Extension::TicketLocking" to your existing @Plugins

    Clear your mason cache
            rm -rf /opt/rt4/var/mason_data/obj

    Restart your webserver

  LockExpiry option
    In the config you can set LockExpiry option to a number of seconds, the
    longest time a lock can remain without being automatically removed, for

        Set( $LockExpiry, 5*60 ); # lock expires after five minutes

    If you don't wish to have your locks automatically expire, simply set
    $LockExpiry to a false (zero or undef) value. This is the default if you
    do not provide a $LockExpiry.

  Allowing users to use 'MyLocks' portlet
    The extension comes with a portlet users can place on thier home page
    RT's or RTIR's. Using this portlet user can easily jump to locked
    tickets, remove particular lock or all locks at once.

    If you want the MyLocks portlet to be available then you have to place
    it in the list of allowed components.

    For RT:

        Set($HomepageComponents, [qw(
            ... list of another portlets ...

    People can then choose to add the portlet to their homepage in
    Preferences -> 'RT at a glance'.

    If you are running RTIR, and want the portlet to be available from the
    RTIR home page, you will need to do something similar to set the
    RTIR_HomepageComponents array in your config file, like this:

        Set(@RTIR_HomepageComponents, qw(
            ... list of another portlets ...

    People can then choose to add the portlet to their homepage in
    Preferences -> 'RTIR Home'.

        Turner Hayes    <>
        Ruslan Zakirov  <>
        Kevin Falcone   <>

    All bugs should be reported via email to
    <> or via the web at

    This software is Copyright (c) 2007-2014 by Best Practical Solutions

    This is free software, licensed under:

      The GNU General Public License, Version 2, June 1991