Crypt::PassGen -------------- This module provides a single command for generating random password that is close enough to a real word that it is easy to remember. It does this by using the frequency of letter combinations in a language (the frequency table is generated during installation although multiple tables can be generated and used for different languages). This module should not be used for high security applications (such as user accounts) since it returns passwords that are not mixed case, have no punctuation and no letters. This word can be used as a basis for a more secure password. The language of the password depends on the language used to construct the frequency table. Requirements ------------ Currently assumes /usr/dict/words or /usr/share/dict/words is available so that the frequency table can be constructed. On non-unix systems it might be easier simply to include a dictionary for this within the distribution. Also requires the Storable module. Installation ------------ perl Makefile.PL make make test make install The first step may take a well since a freqeuncy table is generated as part of the installation. If /usr/dict/words is not available the location of a suitable dictionary must be put into the Makefile.PL Derivation ---------- This algorithm is based on that used in the PASSGEN program written by Mike Bartman of SAR, Inc as part of the SPAN security toolkit in 1989. Status ------ This is an early release of this module. It has not been tested extensively and must be considered in alpha release. Author ------ This module was written by Tim Jenness <> Copyright (C) 2000-2008 Tim Jenness. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. Release Notes ------------- V0.05 - Fix typo in call to _scale_thirds_down preventing the module from working in some situations. Fix typo in call to _scale_seconds_down during database build