NAME Text::Lorem::More - Generate formatted nonsense using random Latin words. VERSION Version 0.13 SYNOPSIS Generate formatted nonsense using random Latin words. use Text::Lorem::More; my $lorem = Text::Lorem::More->new; # Greet a friend print "Hello, ", $lorem->fullname, "\n"; # You could also ... print $lorem->process("Hello, +fullname\n"); ... or you can use the singleton: use Text::Lorem::More qw(lorem); # Generate a random latin word my $latinwordoftheday = lorem->word; # Produce paragaphs in the Text::Lorem compatible manner my $content = lorem->paragraphs(3); # Print 4 paragraphs, each separated by a single newline and tab: print "\t", scalar lorem->paragraph(4, "\n\t"); GENERATORS To use a generator, call the method with the same name as the generator, To use the name generator, for example: my $name = $lorem->name; Alternatively, you can use the "generate" or "process" functions. To use the hostname generator, for example: my $hostname = $lorem->hostname; # This will do the same thing ... my $otherhostname = $lorem->generate("+hostname"); word Generates random latin word. dicta sed repellat sentence Generates between 4 and 9 words, with the first letter of the first word capitalized and a period following the last word. paragraph Generates between 3 and 6 sentences, words $count A Text::Lorem compatible words generator. Will generate $count words joined by " ". sentences $count A Text::Lorem compatible sentences generator. Will generate $count sentences joined by " ". Each sentence contains between 4 and 9 words and ends with a period. Passing in 0 for count will still produce a single period! paragraphs $count A Text::Lorem compatible sentences generator. Will generate $count paragraphs joined by "\n\n". Each paragraph contains between 3 and 6 sentences. name / firstname / lastname Generates a random latin word with the first letter capitalized Repellat Sed Ipsum fullname Generates a firstname and lastname separated by a space Lorem Dicta username Generates a random latin word title Generates between 1 and 3 words with the first letter of the first word capitalized description Generates between 1 and 3 sentences. tld / topleveldomain Generates a top level domain. Currently, this will either be "com", "org", or "net". domain / domainname Generates a domainname. Currently, this will attach "example" to a tld generator result. host / hostname Generates a hostname. Currently, this will either return a plain domainname, as above, or attach a latin word to a domainname result. email / mail path httpurl mailto EXPORT FUNCTIONS new [$source] Construct a new Text::Lorem::More object generate $pattern [, $count, $separator] Generate some text using the specified pattern. "generate" is faster than "process", as "generate" uses regex to perform substitution. In list context, return a list with $count number of "words" In scalar context, return $pattern repeated $count times and joined by $separator. If you do not specify scalar context on the receiving end, then the separator will simply be discarded. This may change in the future The default for $count is 1. The default for $separator is " ". A pattern will usually contain one or more generator tokens. For example: +name +fullname +word+word+word+word The pattern can also contain other text: +name@+domainname "+firstname +lastname" Sometimes you might need to enclose the token identifier between "+{" and "}" For example, the following pattern won't work right: prefix+namesuffix But this will: prefix+{name}suffix If you need to include a '+' in your pattern, you'll have to use "process" instead. process $text Process a block of text, performing pattern substitutions as they're found. process is slower than generate, as process uses Parse::RecDescent. To escape '+', simply repeat it. For example, to produce "2 + 2" you would submit: 2 ++ 2 Please see "generate" for more information. source Return the generator source for this instance. lorem A Text::Lorem::More singleton. AUTHOR Robert Krimen, "<robertkrimen at>" SEE ALSO Text::Lorem WWW::Lipsum <> SOURCE You can contribute or fork this project via GitHub: <> git clone git:// Text-Lorem-More ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanks to Adeola Awoyemi for writing Text::Lorem COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright 2006 Robert Krimen, all rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. BUGS Probaby a lot. Please report them (as below) and I'll take a look. Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-text-lorem-more at", or through the web interface at <>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc Text::Lorem::More You can also look for information at: * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation <> * CPAN Ratings <> * RT: CPAN's request tracker <> * Search CPAN <>