Declare::Constraints::Simple - Declarative Validation of Data Structures

      use Declare::Constraints::Simple-All;

      my $profile = IsHashRef(
                        -keys   => HasLength,
                        -values => IsArrayRef( IsObject ));

      my $result1 = $profile->(undef);
      print $result1->message, "\n";    # 'Not a HashRef'

      my $result2 = $profile->({foo => [23]});

      print $result2->message, "\n";    # 'Not an Object'

      print $result2->path, "\n";       
                        # 'IsHashRef[val foo].IsArrayRef[0].IsObject'

    The main purpose of this module is to provide an easy way to build a
    profile to validate a data structure. It does this by providing you with
    a set of declarative keywords exported into your namespace.

      use Declare::Constraints::Simple-All;

    The above command imports all constraint generators in the library into
    the current namespace. If you want only a selection, use "only":

      use Declare::Constraints::Simple Only => qw(IsInt Matches And);

    You can find all constraints (and constraint-like generators, like
    operators. In fact, "And" above is an operator. They're both implemented
    equally, so the distinction is a merely philosophical one) documented in
    the Declare::Constraints::Simple::Library pod. In that document you will
    also find the exact parameters for their usage, so this here is just a
    brief Intro and not a coverage of all possibilities.

    You can use these constraints by building a tree that describes what
    data structure you expect. Every constraint can be used as
    sub-constraint, as parent, if it accepts other constraints, or
    stand-alone. If you'd just say

      my $check = IsInt;
      print "yes!\n" if $check->(23);

    it will work too. This also allows predefining tree segments, and
    nesting them:

      my $id_to_objects = IsArrayRef(IsObject);

    Here $id_to_objects would give it's OK on an array reference containing
    a list of objects. But what if we now decide that we actually want a
    hashref containing two lists of objects? Behold:

      my $object_lists = IsHashRef( HasAllKeys( qw(good bad) ),
                                    OnHashKeys( good => $id_to_objects,
                                                bad  => $id_to_objects ));

    As you can see, constraints like "IsArrayRef" and "IsHashRef" allow you
    to apply constraints to their keys and values. With this, you can step
    down in the data structure.

    Constraints return just code references that can be applied to one value
    (and only one value) like this:

      my $result = $object_lists->($value);

    After this call $result contains a Declare::Constraints::Simple::Result
    object. The first think one wants to know is if the validation

      if ($result->is_valid) { ... }

    This is pretty straight forward. To shorten things the result object
    also overloads it's "bool"ean context. This means you can alternatively
    just say

      if ($result) { ... }

    However, if the result indicates a invalid data structure, we have a few
    options to find out what went wrong. There's a human parsable message in
    the "message" accessor. You can override these by forcing it to a
    message in a subtree with the "Message" declaration. The "stack"
    contains the name of the chain of constraints up to the point of

  import($flag, @args)
    Exports the constraints to the calling namespace.

    Internal method to build constraint-to-class mappings.

  _export_all($target, $handle_map)
    Internal method. Exports all handles in $handle_map into the $target

  _export_these($target, $handle_map, @constraints)
    Internal method. Exports all @constraints from $handle_map into the
    $target namespace.


    Carp::Clan, aliased, Class::Inspector, Scalar::Util, overload and
    Test::More (for build).

    *   More tests of course!

    *   An "OnArrayElements" constraint. Like "OnHashKeys" but for array

    *   Examples.

    *   A list of questions that might come up, together with their answers.

    *   Inheritance. Developers should be able to make their own libraries
        and define own constraints.

    *   Dependencies. We need keywords like "As($name, $constraint" and
        "IfValid($name, $constraint)".

    *   Scoping. It would be nice to have a "Let" constraint that introduces
        variables. These could be set under their scope with a "SetValue"
        constraint and retrieved with "GetValue". This would open the
        possibility of comparison operators.

    *   ???

    *   Profit.

    Robert 'phaylon' Sedlacek "<>"

    This module is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as perl itself.