NAME MooseX::Role::WarnOnConflict - Warn if classes override role methods without excluding them VERSION version 0.01 SYNOPSIS This code will warn at composition time: { package My::Role; use MooseX::Role::WarnOnConflict; sub conflict {} } { package My::Class; use Moose; with 'My::Role'; sub conflict {} } With an error message similar to the following: The class My::Class has implicitly overridden the method (conflict) from role My::Role ... To resolve this, explicitly exclude the 'conflict' method: { package My::Class; use Moose; with 'My::Role' => { -excludes => [ 'conflict' ] }; sub conflict {} } Aliasing a role method to an existing method will also warn: { package My::Class; use Moose; with 'My::Role' => { -excludes => ['conflict'], -alias => { conflict => 'another_method' }, }; sub conflict { } sub another_method { } } DESCRIPTION When using Moose::Role, a class which provides a method a role provides will silently override that method. This can cause strange, hard-to-debug errors when the role's methods are not called. Simply use "MooseX::Role::WarnOnConflict" instead of "Moose::Role" and overriding a role's method becomes a composition-time warning. See the synopsis for a resolution. AUTHOR Curtis "Ovid" Poe <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is Copyright (c) 2022 by Curtis "Ovid" Poe. This is free software, licensed under: The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)