Letter L

lxdvdrip - A command line tool to rip&burn a video DVD

Website: https://sourceforge.net/projects/lxdvdrip/
License: GPLv2+
Vendor: RPM Fusion
This program is able to rip a DVD title or chapters, reauthor the files to a
DVD-Structure,preview the Files and burn to a DVD+/-R.

The "traditional" way to Rip in 4 Steps (Rip Video&Requant, Rip Audio, Mplex,
dvdauthor) is included, too. Activation through Command Line Parameter
"-st=mplayer" for mplayer or "-st=transcode" for transcode.

A very fast Method is "Transcode parallel", all Commands are piped, so that
only a single Pass Read is needed.


lxdvdrip-1.77-2.fc23.x86_64 [295 KiB] Changelog by Leigh Scott (2016-08-15):
- Remove surplus hardening flags
lxdvdrip-1.77-2.fc23.i686 [289 KiB] Changelog by Leigh Scott (2016-08-15):
- Remove surplus hardening flags

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-8.fc24