Sound and Video

devedeng - A program to create video DVDs and CDs (VCD, sVCD or CVD)

License: GPLv3+
Vendor: RPM Fusion
DevedeNG is a program to create video DVDs and CDs (VCD, sVCD or CVD),
suitable for home players, from any number of video files, in any of the
formats supported by FFMpeg.

The suffix NG is because it is a rewrite from scratch of the old Devede, to
work with Python3 and Gtk3, and with a new internal architecture that allows
to expand it and easily add new features.


devedeng-4.8.5-1.fc23.noarch [1.7 MiB] Changelog by Andrea Musuruane (2016-11-26):
- Updated to new upstream release

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-8.fc24