Letter D

DVDRipOMatic - Simple DVD to XviD ripping application

Website: http://dvdripomatic.sourceforge.net
License: GPL
Vendor: RPM Fusion
DVD Rip-O-Matic is a simple DVD-to-XviD ripping application developed by Dik
Takken. The wizard was designed to be very easy to use; it automatically
detects the optimal settings for you. It should also produce very high quality
AVI files, even if you have no idea what the settings mean and just use it in
the next-next-next-finish way.


DVDRipOMatic-0.95-12.fc23.noarch [79 KiB] Changelog by Sérgio Basto (2016-08-01):
- Fix permissions of DVDRipOMatic.kmdr

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